
August 31, 2010

Getting the week off to a good start

Yesterday I worked from home, and it went pretty well. I alternated work with chores around the apartment (VERY few bugs left alive, and those that are still here are just living on borrowed time because there is absolutely nothing starchy for them to munch on), and managed to get a lot done on both counts. Plus, I was able to sneak in quite a bit of gym time, and eat healthy to boot. For example, dinner last night was seafood sausage, lentils with veggies, and a side of steamed okra. Yum! Today, I started the morning with an hour …

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March 10, 2010

The Marathoning Cow

Last night I had another book club, but this was a special one: it was my month to choose the book and venue, make up the questions, and host. I chose a lighter book than this group typically reads, The Help by Kathryn Stockett. It’s a really wonderful read, all about women in Jackson, MS in the 1960s and how they deal with the changing world. The focus of the story is on the disparity between the upperclass women and “the help,” and the strange relationships between the two. Highly recommended! For the restaurant, I picked Delta Grill, a southern/soul …

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March 7, 2010

Night Before the Little Rock Marathon

I had to wake up at 5:45am to get to LaGuardia for my 8am flight, but all went pretty smoothly. I planned to fly from LaGuardia to Baltimore and then on to Little Rock, and when I got to the airport, I was presented with a conundrum: I would have on problem getting out of LaGuardia to either Baltimore or Chicago Midway (my other stopover option to get to Little Rock), but both flights to Little Rock were extremely full. The agent thought I had a slightly better chance from Baltimore, so I picked that one. After a quick check …

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February 25, 2010

Book clubs galore and a productive Thursday

Last night was a total blast! In the last year, I’ve joined a bunch of book clubs (some serious, some light). Last night, one of them met at this great Italian restaurant that offers ladies’ night on Wednesdays: all-you-can-drink house wine with the purchase of any entree. Perfect! I got a vegetable thin crust pizza and a ton of red wine – great way to get through the midweek slump 🙂 This morning, I woke up a few minutes before my alarm went off. Now, I set two alarms: one for 6:45am (my early alarm, if I decide to work …

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April 8, 2009

Hey, at least I ran!

I’m absolutely loving my new job, and the schedule is ridiculously easy. While I’m training, it’s about 9:30-5, but once I actually start working my markets, it’s basically any 9 hours a day as long as the majority of them are during normal business hours. Most of my team opts to come in anywhere from 9:30 to noon, depending on when they feel like waking up that day. How great is that?! However, regardless of how easy my hours are, I’m still feeling pretty tired. Yesterday I was talking to my mom on the phone while walking home from the …

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