August 31, 2010

Getting the week off to a good start

Yesterday I worked from home, and it went pretty well. I alternated work with chores around the apartment (VERY few bugs left alive, and those that are still here are just living on borrowed time because there is absolutely nothing starchy for them to munch on), and managed to get a lot done on both counts. Plus, I was able to sneak in quite a bit of gym time, and eat healthy to boot. For example, dinner last night was seafood sausage, lentils with veggies, and a side of steamed okra. Yum!

Today, I started the morning with an hour on the stationary bike and then ten minutes on the elliptical, finishing up a book that was due back to the library (Operation Mincemeat, which I thought was an interesting spy mission but a very long and drawn out book). I later squeezed in another 35 minutes on the elliptical to bring my total elliptical time for the day up to 45 minutes. I’m weirdly OCD about having my workouts be in 15 minute increments, at least when I’m not running. Then, I get fixated on having run a distance that is either an even mile or half mile (if I ran 3.9, I’ll circle for another tenth to make it 4). Does anyone else do that kind of weird math in their head for their workouts?

Tonight I’m supposed to go join the Urban Feet running group for an evening run in Central Park, followed by drinks at Dive 75 (one of my favorite bars in NYC) on the Upper West Side after. Running and drinking – how can I resist? Besides, I realized today that the Hartford Marathon is only about 6 weeks away and I haven’t gone for a run since June. Uh oh! Time to get cracking. I think instead of going for a BQ, I’m going to go for a “wow, Laura is an idiot who barely ran in 4 months… let’s see if she can finish a marathon!” You know, true Absolut(ly) Fit style 🙂

As far as tonight goes, it’s 90 degrees, but since I already registered on the website, I feel like a wuss for dropping out. Off I go! Hopefully the heat won’t be as bad as I think.


2 thoughts on “Getting the week off to a good start”

  1. I do the same thing with workouts! My cardio (non-running) must be in 5 minute increments and my runs must be in .05 mile increments (I wouldn’t ever run 3.21 miles, I’d go 3.25).

  2. You dinner looks great, and yes I do the same thing with my workouts. If I am spent at 37 minutes, I make myself go til 40 just because it is a nice round number.

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