
February 20, 2009

Spinach Surprise!

Yesterday I decided to treat Boyfriend by making him some chocolate cupcakes. He loves Magnolia’s cupcakes, but lately has been calling me all the time to complain. “I have a stomachache… and I’m fat.” Um, yeah, you ate not one but TWO fatty and heavy cupcakes (delicious though they may be). Having successfully found a recipe for Magnolia’s banana pudding that’s not quite as good as theirs but is made of totally healthy ingredients, I decided to turn my attention to finding a healthy cupcake recipe. After Googling for a while, I came across a recipe that wasn’t quite as …

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November 26, 2008

Thanksgiving Marathon Eve

Last night I tried a new strategy to get enough sleep before my race. I went to bed at 8 PM, planning to sleep until 10 or so when Boyfriend would come over to hang out. I figured we’d get to bed around 1, which would means I’d still get my 8 hours of sleep. Instead, he got stuck at work and didn’t get to my place until after midnight. We still went to bed around 1, so I ended up getting 11 hours of sleep! I hoped that would make me feel a bit better. However, I still woke …

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July 8, 2008

I’m an official Marathon Maniac!

The marathon yesterday qualified me as a bronze member of the Marathon Maniacs, so I’ve signed up and paid my dues and am officially MM #1036!!! Hurray 🙂 Now, if I can do one more marathon in a different state/province/country in the next three weeks, I can bump up to Gold membership under the 4 states/provinces/countries in 60 days rule. On a somewhat related topic, a quote from tonight’s chapter of The Looniness of the Long Distance Runner, after he’s finished his first half-marathon: Just two minutes, a couple of stretches and a cup of water later I am strolling …

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June 19, 2008

All riled up

I like iFit&Healthy for finding out about the latest health and fitness news – they do a pretty good job of catching most of the breaking news, and reviewing all the latest books and products. However, their latest review of The Wall Street Diet only served to piss me off. I know that the consulting lifestyle is hard to understand if you’re not living in it, but I hate it when people don’t get it and act as if it’s so easy for me to eat healthy and workout. For example, I like how the review says, “even if you …

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June 18, 2008

Getting back on track

Lately I’ve been reading this awesome book, The Wall Street Diet. I saw it featured somewhere online, and even though it was a marketing pitch and not an unbiased review, I was still intrigued. The author, Heather Bauer, promised to understand the challenges of the executive lifestyle: constantly being offered delicious food that you could never afford if it weren’t free, cocktail parties where you munch on hors d’oeuvres for hours but then still feel the need to eat dinner later, client dinners at steakhouses where you get looked at like you have two heads if you try to order …

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