
September 11, 2008

The good, the bad, and are my decorating choices ugly?

The good: I’m totally psyched that Laguardia sells Raw Revolution bars at the CIBO Express, which is the same little kiosk where I was once excited to find hardboiled eggs and cut fruit. (It doesn’t take much to make me happy!) I stocked up on the bars before leaving, because until I actually left the airport and was in Manhattan, I was technically traveling and could expense them. The bad: I’m totally annoyed that my new client is a processed foods distributor. Think frozen dinners, instant everything, and basically preservatives/chemicals galore. There are definitely no raw food bars here! The …

The good, the bad, and are my decorating choices ugly? Read More »

September 10, 2008

Non-scale victories

Yesterday was a major victory for me, for several reasons. I’m up at Cornell to do various recruiting events, and yesterday was the big career fair (today there is a second smaller one just for engineering students). I knew I’d be seeing a lot of people from my past, so like a high school reunion, I wanted to look sharp. I brought my favorite suit to wear… and then I put it on in the morning and found that it was a little baggy! On the one hand I was disappointed that I wouldn’t look super polished, but on the …

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August 28, 2008

Busy busy

Wow, after my posting blitz of like ten posts on Sunday, I didn’t post all week. It’s been a crazy one! I took all your doctor advice to heart, and ended up calling the Hospital for Special Surgery, who had two doctors that you guys recommended. As luck would have it, neither Dr. Halpern nor Dr. Metzl had openings, but I got one tomorrow with Dr. Demorest, who looks great. She specializes in female athletes, and has even published this article on preventing marathon injuries. My knees have still been sucking all week (even swimming hurt – I resorted to …

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August 19, 2008

I’m not in Austin

Project didn’t end up happening, which is kind of par for the course. Basically, you should never count on going somewhere until you’re actually on the plane and in flight… and even then I’d say you still have a 10% chance of having the project get cancelled. So what does this mean I’m up to? Ah, wonderful things. I’m currently lying in bed, half-watching the Rachael Ray show on television (shut up), and doing some research for a potential client. Sometimes when I get ambitious, I put my computer on top of my tall dresser and get on my mini …

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August 7, 2008

Wednesday night miscellany

The past few weeks at work have been a bit crazy. The good news is, only one more day and I’m done in St. Louis! I’ve enjoyed it here, but I’ve been working long hours (nights, weekends, you name it – I even put in some hours in San Fran doing work). The project is going into a really relaxed phase, so I’m being dropped off the project starting Monday, and I may return to it in a few weeks, but that’s yet to be determined. In the meantime, I’m heading back to New York tomorrow and will be there …

Wednesday night miscellany Read More »

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