
October 10, 2008

After all this, I have to run a marathon tomorrow??

The market dropped again today. My dad recently inherited some land in Poland, which he sold for a good chunk of change, and always wanting the best for his kids, he gave my brothers and I each $1,000 (!!!). We are far from rich; that is a very big deal. He put it directly into our Roth IRAs. Bye bye, $1000… Boyfriend and I got together for coffee in Battery Park this afternoon. We talked a lot of gloom and doom about the economy, which he’s really knowledgeable about from work. He knows what he’s talking about, as he works …

After all this, I have to run a marathon tomorrow?? Read More »

September 24, 2008

You’re never too busy to taper!

Despite the fact that I am now getting a really light workload (meaning, I finished my last project and there isn’t a new one for me to start because the economy sucks and if I don’t get myself staffed on a project soon I’ll be fired but who’s worried about that when I can spend my newly free nights shopping for a good deal on a plasma TV for my new bedroom), I’ve been busy. Too busy to post, too busy to even open Google Reader… but never too busy to taper. That may be an obvious statement, until you …

You’re never too busy to taper! Read More »

September 19, 2008

Work can be funny sometimes

(On the company IM)Ethan [9:36 PM]: Hey laura – quick questionLaura [9:36 PM]: Sure, what’s up?Ethan [9:36 PM]: I forgot how to check my firm voice mailLaura [9:36 PM]: I have no idea either – haven’t done it in 6 months or soEthan [9:36 PM]: me too…Laura [9:36 PM]: I think Liza checks hers once a month – you could try her?Ethan [9:36 PM]: ok, thanks In other work-related news, I am still at the office even though I was promised we would be done super early today because of our all-nighter last night. I haven’t eaten dinner, and no …

Work can be funny sometimes Read More »

September 18, 2008

Oldies but Goodies: My Favorite Blogs

For those of you who asked on my last post how I find the time to run, the answer is: I don’t. I joke about my once-a-week training schedule, and most people probably think I do it out of sheer craziness, but the truth is, I do it because I rarely find the time to run during the week. Last night was a bit out of the ordinary, but I’d say I typically work about twelve hours a day, and then usually have another hour or two a day of work obligations (non-client research, recruiting work, team dinners, training, administrative …

Oldies but Goodies: My Favorite Blogs Read More »

September 15, 2008

Industry in collapse

If you are planning on moving, one thing to be sure not to forget is a shower curtain. Even if you manage to go the whole weekend by not showering or showering at the boyfriend’s place, it becomes rather difficult not to get your entire bathroom soaked while getting ready for work on Monday morning. This was going to be the start of a (hopefully funny) post on how much moving sucks, and then lead into my race report from yesterday. However, this morning while driving to my client, I got hit with the triple shock news about Lehman, Merrill, …

Industry in collapse Read More »

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