
November 16, 2008

A twisted form of motivation

I’ve been really depressed all day. Therefore, I’ve decided to employ a tactic I picked up from reading an autobiography of a girl with an eating disorder. Many things in her life were out of control, so she started trying to control her weight, because it was the one thing she could control. She’d say things like, “if I can go three days without eating, bad thing X will not occur.” Clearly not a healthy source of inspiration, but whatever – I’m going with it. “If I can run a sub-4 marathon tomorrow, I will not be fired.” There – …

A twisted form of motivation Read More »

November 15, 2008

Another victim of the economy?

Last night I got a call that could be the beginning of the end… or it could be nothing. I don’t really know for sure yet, but will have a better sense on Monday. The call came while I was at a dinner trying to convince some college students to sign their job offers with my firm. Wouldn’t that be ironic if I got my layoff call while I was recruiting kids who are essentially my replacements? Instead of going to bed at a reasonable hour, I spent the night freaking out, crying, trying to figure out what’s going on …

Another victim of the economy? Read More »

November 6, 2008

Running through transitions (alternate title: Getting back on track after you failed to transition)

How perfect that today’s Take It and Run Thursday topic is Running Through Transitions! I’ve been MIA thanks to dealing with the transition of starting a new project. Unlike other fields, in consulting, starting a new project is like starting a new job: new coworkers, new responsibilities, new culture, and even new commutes. Instead of flying to St. Louis on Mondays and returning on Thursdays, eating expensive catered takeout sandwiches, and working out late night and early morning in the 24 hour hotel gym, I’m now battling traffic in the Lincoln Tunnel to drive to Jersey every day (1.5 hours …

Running through transitions (alternate title: Getting back on track after you failed to transition) Read More »

October 17, 2008

No dinner for me tonight

I celebrated my low cholesterol test by indulging at my company’s beer and cheese and chocolate tasting. Let’s just say that despite the large amount of beer I “tasted”, I “tasted” enough cheese and chocolate to not only keep me sober, but also probably completely reverse the awesome results of my cholesterol this morning. I am feeling a marathon-length run coming on tomorrow…

October 15, 2008

Kill me. Now.

The number one thing you don’t want to hear while being interviewed for a new project:“How comfortable are you with working 80-90 hours/week for an extended period of time?” Of course, I had to answer along the lines of, “oh, I am such a hard worker! I will do anything for the firm! Thank you for the opportunity to give my life away!” I should have made up a disease that requires me to get 10 hours of sleep every night.

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