
December 11, 2008

Oh happy day

Work sucked last night but it is time to put on my happy face. And I currently have good reason to do so – work is done and I am FREE for the night! At 6:30 PM! How unbelievable. I don’t even know what to do with myself. Should I cook? Should I go to the gym (I have not worked out one stitch since the Atlanta Marathon on Thanksgiving… oops!)? Should I go to a bar and get wasted? Should I just go to bed? The possibilities are endless. However, the most exciting thing: tomorrow I go to HAWAII! …

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December 10, 2008

Unhappy birthday

It’s my blog’s birthday. One year ago today, I went to and hit “create blog.” 381 posts later, “Create a post” on Blogger is prominently listed in my favorites on iGoogle, and I have over 173 favorite blogs in Google Reader that I (try to) read daily. Blogging and running have become such a huge part of my life in the last year… but I’ll save most of that reflection for some December 31st posts. I don’t really feel like posting much more today, because today pretty much sucks. Boyfriend’s company is laying off another 10% this morning. Last …

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December 7, 2008

I think I’m cured of clean plate club-ism

I’m at the office, and we just ordered dinner from this Italian place. I confirmed several times with the person on the phone that everything would be a single serving and wrapped individually. She told me that the pasta fagioli soup only came in one family size to serve 5 people, but the partner said he wanted it anyway, and we all agreed to pitch in to help him eat it. The rest of us got various pasta dishes, salads, etc. One of the senior consultants and I ordered the zuppa di pesce, which was supposed to be linguini with …

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November 20, 2008

Attitude of Gratitude

I’m in a bad mood today with work again. We had a state-of-the-practice conference call today, and while leadership said only positive things and didn’t mention anything about layoffs, the fact that they were making big productions out of sales that in the past would have been minor wins did not inspire confidence. Rumor has it there are more cuts coming in December/January, so I’m not out of the woods yet. Additionally, today, my laptop crashed in the middle of me trying to get stuff ready for a presentation. I was working from home, and while I called our outsourced …

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November 18, 2008

Things are looking up

I still have my job. Rumor has it that more cuts are coming, but I’m in the clear – at least for now. However, I’ve taken on an assignment writing running tips at BODiBEAT Blog! My first post is here – please check it out, leave your comments, and make me the most popular writer on the site 🙂 My second post should be coming out soon – I’ll be sure to link to it when it goes live. In other news, I’ve now completed 10 marathons, and haven’t lost a toenail. Upon returning home from marathon #10, I accidentally …

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