
February 22, 2009

Rainy Sunday musings

You all got so excited about me seeming like I was in a positive mood and doing well. Unfortunately, I hate to burst your bubble, but it’s not all rainbows and flowers. I still can’t shake the up-and-down emotions associated with unemployment, no matter how hard I try. Yesterday, I woke up feeling like I had absolutely nothing to do (even though in truth I had several obligations – they just weren’t immediate deadlines). So what did I do? Had a quick shot of alcohol – not to get me drunk, but just to get me sleepy. I then slept …

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February 17, 2009

How to find an interesting and fantastic job

While it’s really scary to be unemployed, it can be exciting to realize that this is my chance to start over and do something that really suits my interest. With that in my mind, I’ve had some luck on several fronts. Exercise and animalsI had a dog my whole life growing up, but there is just no way I could have had one with my job in consulting; I traveled too much and worked too many hours. Boyfriend is similarly desperate for a dog, and we’ve thought about jointly getting one… but we don’t work opposite hours so the fact …

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February 10, 2009

I hate being unemployed

I hate that it’s 5:30, basically only halfway through what would normally be my work day, and I’m already halfway through a bottle of wine. I hate going to the Wall Street Starbucks in the morning for coffee with Boyfriend, and seeing all the successful people coming in wearing their suits and getting their lattes to go, while I sit there in my jeans and stupid t-shirt reading a book because I don’t have meetings or conference calls at which to drink my coffee. I hate meeting Boyfriend for lunch when he checks his Blackberry for e-mail, because I then …

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February 6, 2009

Latest report from laid off land

Surprisingly, I posted more when I was working than now that I’m unemployed 🙂 I really don’t fit the stereotype of someone who’s unemployed. I haven’t gone out drinking, and I actually haven’t even really cried (well, I cried the day before when I figured out it was going to happen, but not since I got the news). I did watch The Price is Right today (it is so weird to see Drew Carey as the host!), but I watched while researching positions and headhunting firms. I’ve been losing weight, but haven’t worked out at all since my marathon on …

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February 3, 2009

A new form of pounding the pavement

Yesterday I got an invite to do my midyear review. Today I walked into the meeting and an HR rep was there. No review was done and my performance was not discussed. Instead, we discussed the poor economy and my severance package. Forget the singlet and sneakers… it’s time to hit the streets of New York in a suit and stilettos, resumes in hand. Unfortunately, the field in this race is larger than what I’m used to (and growing by the day), there aren’t mile markers to keep me on track, and I don’t know when (or if) I’ll finish. …

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