
July 9, 2009

Negative posts and negative splits

Wow, I have really sucked at posting lately! I blame this on my company’s use of Twitter to push out some new sale fares. Like most of my coworkers, I had never used Twitter before, so we created accounts in order to see what all the buzz is about, and now I’m having a ball searching for twits about my company and then responding to them. With that kind of posting going on during the day, I get home feeling like I’ve already had my social media fix, which has caused me to really neglect the blog! I’ve been cranking …

Negative posts and negative splits Read More »

April 2, 2009

A Sneak Peek at the New Balance Fall 2009 Line

In my second day of training, I found out that my new company has a very liberal policy when it comes to blogging. I’m free to tell who I work for and even express my thoughts on the latest issues, as long as I add a disclaimer that my thoughts do not reflect the views of the company, and as long as I don’t include an actual link to the company website. Cool! However, my personal feeling is that I’m not comfortable discussing work in my blog (beyond a few non-identifying stories). If you can figure out who I work …

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April 1, 2009

Today I got to fly over Manhattan!!!

What I mean is, I, Laura, got to fly a plane over the island of Manhattan!!! Okay, so maybe it wasn’t the real Manhattan, and maybe it was just a simulation, but the instructor was still pretty pissed when I narrowly missed the Statue of Liberty! To explain: while en route to Orlando for training, my new manager called me with an interesting proposition: how would I like to try out the flight simulator used for pilot training? I told him I would love to, and we arranged to meet at the training facility at 4 PM. This gave me …

Today I got to fly over Manhattan!!! Read More »

February 27, 2009

Unemployment has done wonders for my waistline… but it’s almost over

Since I lost my job, I haven’t really been going to the gym more (as I’ve explained before, when I know I can go anytime, there’s no reason to get off my butt and go right now), but I’ve gone out to eat a lot less. It’s not just the loss of expense account steak dinners; since I didn’t know when I’d have a job/full income again, I was trying to be frugal and cook at home more often rather than going out to eat. It surprised me when I realized how much more I’ve been going out to eat …

Unemployment has done wonders for my waistline… but it’s almost over Read More »

February 24, 2009

First time’s a charm!

Last week I had my first set of interviews, for an airline. My cover letter was rough – I wrote it the same afternoon I got laid off, and submitted it before getting feedback, after which people told me it sucked. I applied for the job on the company website, not through a head hunter who would endorse me and help me prep for the interview. When I got the interview, Boyfriend told me it was a shame that I had my first interviews at a job I really wanted, because he said no matter how good I was at …

First time’s a charm! Read More »

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