
June 25, 2008

Why I can’t bring healthy stuff to work

This week my hotel is next to a Trader Joe’s, so on Monday night, I went there and stocked up on healthy foods. Bran muffins, cereal, almond milk, some apples and oranges, etc. It was all in a grocery bag, and the only thing I ate was one muffin – everything else was brand new, unopened. And the muffin container was closed securely, and at the bottom of the bag, so it wouldn’t even be clear that it wasn’t new. We’re in a different team room this week, and there is barely desk space enough for our computers, let alone …

Why I can’t bring healthy stuff to work Read More »

June 20, 2008

What I learned from the videos in my company’s ethics training class this morning

1. If you are white, you are ignorant and/or a bad person. You will try to force others to act unethically and/or illegally because your directives come from a colleague who belongs to the same country club as you. 2. If you are Asian or Indian, you always try to act with integrity, but are often suppressed by your white manager and forced to do the wrong thing. You argue with stilted and poorly scripted speech. “I am not sure if I am comfortable with such a decision, and I would like to express my concerns. I do not think …

What I learned from the videos in my company’s ethics training class this morning Read More »

May 22, 2008

I really want to slap my manager right now

He keeps quoting celebrity marathon times and telling me I’m pathetic if I can’t beat them, and then he’s putting down people with “slow” times (his definition of slow is any time more than 4:30). He thinks he could do a marathon in less than 6 hours with absolutely no training. This from a guy who considers 3 miles a long run. “A 6 hour finish is about a 14 minute pace, which is like 4.3 MPH. Come on, I walk that all the time on the treadmill and I don’t get tired. That is totally pathetic that people train …

I really want to slap my manager right now Read More »

May 7, 2008

Busy like a bee (except it would be nice to be like a bee and not have to be on my legs)

No, I didn’t die after the second half-marathon 🙂 My legs have been sore (especially on Monday where I had the brilliant idea to wear 2 inch heels to work), but I’ve still been working out a good amount, and they’re not nearly as sore as I thought they’d be. The only bad thing was the Bikini Bootcamp class I went to at the gym last night (I got out of work at 7, and the class was at 7:30, so I had just enough time to get there). There was a lot of leg work, so I kept having …

Busy like a bee (except it would be nice to be like a bee and not have to be on my legs) Read More »

March 6, 2008

I’m in the Wall Street Journal!!!

Not in the “I ran Boston” fake sense either… I am actually in the WSJ. My name isn’t in there and it’s not the print version (though apparently they may be doing a writeup later), but the research paper that I co-authored was featured as the lead story on Hopefully more press is forthcoming. I’m so excited!!! To get published and get national recognition as a first year analyst is way beyond my expectations, and I am thrilled. Today is going to be a good day! Wall Street Journal: Tech Lessons from Presidents

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