
January 31, 2008

Not so healthy…

Just got to my hotel in the middle of nowhere in Delaware. It’s the Doubletree, and they give you a chocolate chip cookie upon arrival. I knew this, and had big plans to eat half the cookie and triumphantly flush the rest down the toilet, then go online and post about how awesome I was. Unfortunately, I ate the whole thing. And then still ate the apple I brought with me that was supposed to be my reward for not eating the cookie. Wow, I suck at traveling.

January 31, 2008

You Know You’re a Crazy Running Blogger When… #1

Inspired by Jessica’s list of Things I’ve Learned from Blogging, and Half-Fast’s Advice for New Runners, I thought I’d start a series of posts called “You Know You’re a Crazy Running Blogger When.” Rather than one list, I’ll add a short post every time I get inspired. Today’s topic? Googling for other people who ran the same race as you. It all started when I checked my StatCounter and found that someone had gotten to my blog by searching for Manhattan Half-Marathon 2008. What a great idea! I’d love to see what some other crazy running bloggers thought of the …

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January 30, 2008

Life Goals

I want to be like Ida Wasserman. That’s all.

January 30, 2008

Healthy Meal: Miso Soup with Shiritaki Noodles and Daikon

As I mentioned in my earlier post, I found shirataki noodles at the grocery last night, and I was really excited! I had also found some daikon a week or so ago, so I had been planning on making an Asian soup with it (I usually can’t find daikon, and substitute parsnips, which aren’t quite the same). I figured having both of those ingredients meant it was the perfect time to make this soup. I didn’t follow a recipe – just used what I had on hand – but it came out decently. I forgot to take a picture, but …

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January 30, 2008

Fabulous Finds at the Grocery

I read a ton of diet blogs, and a lot of times they’ll mention some great products/brands to try. I Ate A Pie recently featured Tofu Shirataki Noodles, and Hungry-Girl featured Dreyer’s Slow Churned Light Idol Ice Cream in Cheesecake Diva flavor. Both made my list of foods to try, and while I don’t usually take the time to search for things on that list, I do keep an eye out for them. And last night, I found both of those products! I was hesitant to get the ice cream, because… it’s ice cream. Not that good for you. But …

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