
January 30, 2008

Healthy Meal: Mahi Mahi Steak with Mango Salsa and Curry Couscous

This has been in my list of recipes to try for a while, so when Western Beef had mangoes on sale the other day, I picked one up and planned to try this. Fish recipe notes:Because I was grilling on the Foreman, I didn’t put any olive oil on. Just slapped it on the grill, sprinkled some pepper on, and let it go. Easy. Salsa recipe notes:Wow, peeling mango is such a pain! I cut my finger on the peeler because I wasn’t being careful at all, which was unfortunate. For two servings of salsa, I used one mango, 1/2 …

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January 29, 2008

Half-Marathon Race Playlist

Everyone seems to always be asking for new music to add to their iPods to get them through a run, so I thought I’d share some of my favorites from my half-marathon playlist. I had a lot more music than just this on there, but these were the ones that really got me going. Britney Spears – Stronger “Cause now I’m stronger than yesterday…” We’ll start off with something pop-y and cliched. This came on as I was approaching mile 10, which was a little more than halfway through the second loop of the course. The longest race I had …

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January 29, 2008

Healthy Meal: Pork Chops with Mushrooms and Asparagus

I started out by adapting a Food Network recipe for Pork Chops with Wild Mushrooms, but honestly, I made so many changes that the recipe really isn’t the same. And so I present to you my own quick and easy version. Recipe notes for the asparagus: Preheat your oven to 450. Trim the asparagus (I had about 12 stalks) by holding it in two hands and bending them till they break – this is a foolproof way to get rid of the woody stems at exactly the right spot. Spread them out on a baking sheet, and use a pastry …

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January 28, 2008

Race Report: Manhattan Half-Marathon

One of my New Year’s resolutions has been accomplished: this morning I completed my first half-marathon. THIRTEEN POINT ONE MILES. I am so proud of myself. I’ve never really thought of myself as a runner – which may be because growing up I definitely wasn’t one. I couldn’t even complete the mile run in gym class; I usually walked half of it. Then I slowly started getting into jogging when I was bored in Florida, and in the summer of 2006 I completed my first 5K. When I say completed, I mean I still couldn’t run the whole thing, but …

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January 26, 2008

Healthy Meal: Minestra

Yesterday we had our quarterly staff meeting. QSM involves sitting around at meetings, eating tons of delicious but unhealthy food. It always culminates in cocktail hour starting at 4 PM, and then company-sponsored after-parties where you can basically keep eating hors d’oeuvres and drinking until 4 AM. Unfortunately, I did just that… and managed to eat more than 4,000 calories! Unbelievable. Everything was really high-cal (cookies, brownies, various fried hors d’oeuvres, etc), but I still can’t believe how much I was able to eat. However, I decided I’m not going to beat myself up over it. I’m going to work …

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