Healthy Meal: Mahi Mahi Steak with Mango Salsa and Curry Couscous
This has been in my list of recipes to try for a while, so when Western Beef had mangoes on sale the other day, I picked one up and planned to try this. Fish recipe notes:Because I was grilling on the Foreman, I didn’t put any olive oil on. Just slapped it on the grill, sprinkled some pepper on, and let it go. Easy. Salsa recipe notes:Wow, peeling mango is such a pain! I cut my finger on the peeler because I wasn’t being careful at all, which was unfortunate. For two servings of salsa, I used one mango, 1/2 …
Healthy Meal: Mahi Mahi Steak with Mango Salsa and Curry Couscous Read More »