
December 28, 2015

The Benefit of Making Resolutions (Even If You Don’t Keep Them)


I’ve been getting pretty excited about New Year’s, and specifically, the opportunity to set some new goals for myself. Sure, you can set goals anytime, but there’s something extra fun about the fresh start that January 1st provides. However, Amy Cuddy, the psychologist popularly known for her TED Talk on power poses, had an interesting piece on Saturday about why your New Year’s resolutions might do more harm than good. Specifically, she talks about how setting unreasonable goals can lower your self-esteem. I agree that a too-high goal can do that… but I still don’t think the shoot-for-the-moon approach is a …

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November 30, 2015

Beginning To Look a Lot Like Christmas


I’ve been in something of a funk lately. Nothing is drastically wrong, per se, and on Thanksgiving, I certainly had plenty to be thankful for. But at the same time, the holiday had some stress before and after that made me not quite as thrilled with Thanksgiving as I usually am. Tomorrow is the first day of December, though, which means the holiday season is truly upon us – and it’s time for me to cheer up and start fa-la-la-la-la-ing with the best of them. One of the things I did really enjoy this weekend was shopping for Christmas decorations …

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November 24, 2015

Sponsored: Watch TV Without the TV via NBC TVEverywhere

When I bought my house in March, I immediately signed up for internet… but didn’t sign up for cable. There are so many ways to watch my favorite shows that I just don’t see the point in paying for a cable subscription! Instead, I bought an AmazonBasics Indoor HDTV Antenna for each of my TVs, so that I could get free live TV when I’m home. But what about DVR, since I’m usually not sitting around when primetime shows are airing? For someone like me who travels a lot, it doesn’t make sense to have a DVR at home – I’m rarely …

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November 3, 2015

Throwback Tuesday: Video Game Halloween


Adam and I have a bit of an inside joke where he refers to me as his “gamer girlfriend”, because I like to play Cubistry on my Kindle. (I try to argue that it keeps my mind sharp, like a game of Memory, but it’s really fairly brainless.) This year for Halloween, though, I lived up to my “gamer” moniker, by dressing up as video game characters from my childhood. At my client in Dallas, Halloween is a very big deal. Everyone in the company (literally everyone) wears a costume to work, and the C-suite all dresses up in an annual group theme …

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August 12, 2015

App I Love: Paper Karma


I wrote on Monday about how I may be back to traveling for work soon – and there are a lot of challenging logistics that come with traveling. For example, I’m on the lookout for a neighborhood kid that I can hire to take my trash cans in for me on a weekly basis, since our trash pickup is on Monday afternoons and our HOA bylaws state that the trash cans cannot stay out past Tuesday morning. Not easy for me to do if I’m working a thousand miles away till Thursday! Another thing that worries me is if my …

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