
June 26, 2015

Rainstorms Make Rainbows

The chicken or the egg: do we get sick because we are busy and stressed, or do we get stressed because we are sick and busy? Either way, I’m none too pleased. Hope to be back to actual blogging soon. In the meantime, here’s a pic of my neighborhood after a recent rainstorm. My house is almost exactly where the pot of gold should be, but I haven’t found it yet. Another metaphor 😉

June 17, 2015

Hot Weekend in Boulder / Reducing My Home Energy Bill


This weekend, Adam and I were supposed to go camping… but while we had a blast camping in Arizona two weekends ago, the idea of packing up all that gear again just seemed like a hassle. Moreover, it is nearly impossible to figure out where in Colorado you can camp outside of a campground… I am rather shocked at how little information we were able to turn up on the interwebs, although Adam eventually found some dispersed spots after a ton of research. We’ll put that info to good use sometime soon! But I’m not paying the expensive Boulder property …

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April 13, 2015

Designing a Home for Healthy Habits

Samsung Refrigerator

I had another fantastic weekend in Arizona with Adam, and this time, arrived home not at all stressed to have been away. Hooray! I’m only here in Colorado for two days before heading out on another business trip, but I was lucky enough to get to work from home today. Even though I had a ton of work to do (and even forgot to eat lunch until 2pm!), it made me so happy to get to do it from my very own kitchen table. Tonight, I headed out to Bed Bath & Beyond to exchange an incorrectly-sized lazy Susan, and …

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