The chicken or the egg: do we get sick because we are busy and stressed, or do we get stressed because we are sick and busy? Either way, I’m none too pleased.
Hope to be back to actual blogging soon. In the meantime, here’s a pic of my neighborhood after a recent rainstorm.

My house is almost exactly where the pot of gold should be, but I haven’t found it yet. Another metaphor 😉
You are awesome, no matter what. Great photo.
Thanks, Peter!
That rainbow was the brightest I’ve ever seen. Was drinking beer at the Southern Sun patio at the time 🙂
LOVE Southern Sun – I may vote that for where we finally meet up 🙂
or do trials exist to make the rainbows brighter?
I like that flip side too!
Metaphorical: It isn’t for the darkest of days that we know how amazing the brightest days are.
Practical: there have been more than a few studies that have shown that regardless of the circumstances, the body / mind comes back to an equilibrium of feeling “normal”.. So, after you win the lottery, (e.g., dating me), after a months of buying everything your heart desires, you are likely no more happy than you were before. The body and mind need to valleys to realize that the peaks are great.
Hopefully. you’re enjoying more peaks than valleys.
I love that 🙂