
August 13, 2014

Dallas Restaurant Review: HG Sply Co

HG Sply Co Bowl

What is a healthy meal? To some people, it’s one that’s low in calories. They will eat a steady diet of Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers, and Lean Cuisine, and think they’re doing something good for their body. In my opinion, that’s not always the healthiest way to go. A low calorie diet will lead to weight loss, but isn’t necessarily high in nutrients or really good for your body. Don’t get me wrong, I have been counting calories using MyFitnessPal (friend me!) religiously for several months… but I also recognize that sometimes things that are good for me aren’t necessarily low in …

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July 23, 2014

Review/Giveaway: Adora Calcium Supplements

It’s Wednesday, and for me, the day has been dragging. I feel like I need to insert some kind of “you know you’re getting older when” joke here, but what I’m finding is that 6 hours of sleep for multiple nights in a row just does not work for me. Need to remember that when I’m not going to bed when I should! When it gets to be afternoon, I don’t want to put more caffeine in my system. However, I do usually crave something small and sweet around 4pm, when eating lunch was a few hours ago but leaving the office and getting dinner …

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May 19, 2014

Sponsored Review: Figleaves Swimwear

Figleaves Tuscany Striped Swimsuit

I participated in an Influencer Activation on behalf of Millennial Central for I received product samples to facilitate my review as well as a promotional item to thank me for my participation. My DietBet has been going great so far – as I wrote on Thursday, I’ve really been sticking to it in the last week! Even leading up to the marathon I ran yesterday (race report coming), I carb loaded without overloading on calories… and post-race, I only indulged mildly in a pulled pork sandwich and a beer before going back to a super healthy salad for dinner. …

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May 15, 2014

Putting My Money Where My Mouth Isn’t


I’m about ten days into my DietBet, and so far, I am really loving it. I have been tracking my food intake very closely on MyFitnessPal (PS – the Windows Phone app for it rocks), and I found that ever since Friday night, it’s been kind of like my game of Don’t Break the Chain: I’m mostly hitting my calorie targets (and choosing healthy foods to help me hit them), and I want to just keep the streak going as long as I can. But honestly, the money involved in the bet has also been great motivation. Every time I’m …

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April 26, 2014

Diving In: Two New Goals

I know that I tend to talk about Flywheel a lot, but I do have another favorite boutique fitness studio in Dallas: Tread. (Hmm, maybe I should write a full review since I love it so much.) It’s half weight-lifting, half-treadmill running, but the treadmill part is intense. You are constantly changing your incline and speed to spike your heart rate in awesome intervals, and it kicks my butt like nothing else. (Hint: if you don’t think that you are going to throw up at least once during the workout, you’re doing it wrong.) One of my favorite things that we …

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