
May 7, 2008

Diet advice needed

This is the menu for dinner tonight. There is nothing even remotely healthy on there. They say that you can substitute things, so I’m going to hope they really mean that. Their full menu is here, which is where I’m looking for substitutions for the four courses. My current thoughts: 1st course: salad with dressing on the side 2nd course: oysters, scallops, or cassoulet. I think those are in approximate order of healthiest to least healthy, but they’re also in approximate order of how much I’d enjoy them. The question is – how much healthier are the oysters than the …

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April 30, 2008

Amazing discovery

Oh. My. God. I just found healthy food. At an AIRPORT. I’m in complete shock. I’ll try to put it aside long enough to provide details: Cibo Express, one of those little kiosks that’s near the gates (not in the food court). I’ve never heard of it before, but they sell two packs of hard boiled eggs (I ate just the whites), and bowls of sliced apples with caramel sauce (guess what part I skipped). Hard boiled eggs and sliced apples! That’s like… there’s no way they can add fat or calories or crappy chemicals to that, right? Who am …

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April 25, 2008

Maybe it’s a good thing…

I just got back from the doctor (general yearly physical; nothing is wrong). It was my first visit to her, and I actually liked her very much. However, after checking my height/weight, she remarked: “You should try to lose about 5 pounds.” Those are generally not words you want to hear come out of your doctor’s mouth. I guess it’s better than “you should try to lose about 50 pounds”, but still. I, however, being a strange bird, am slightly torn as to whether I should actually be happy about this and see it in a positive way. I’ve been …

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April 23, 2008

Carb loading and half marathon planning

This is my friend Charlie. He writes a column for the Daily Sun about snack foods. That article doesn’t nearly demonstrate the sheer amount of crappy foods he can eat in one sitting, but hopefully it at least gives you some idea. Maybe this will help explain why my friends aren’t always the best dieting influence on me, and I’m probably not on them either! But seriously, read that interview… it’s hysterical. And for those of you who read this blog for health tips instead of humor (I would add a “ha” there, but it’s not entirely appropriate because my …

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April 6, 2008


Last night when we were out, a guy referred to me as “that fat girl.” I don’t really like Charleston anymore…

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