
May 22, 2008

Pre-Race Diet

According to Should I Carbo Load Before the Marathon: The expert physician panel at the 2005 Marathon Directors College said carbohydrate loading has been dropped by most serious marathoners. You should eat a normal diet with 60-70% carbohydrates the week before the marathon, but do not increase your total calories. That makes total sense to me, and is exactly what I was trying to do. Keep the calories fairly normal (maybe a tad bit higher than my usual daily goal), but increase the carbs just slightly (since I tend to go high-protein low-carb most days… certainly not all-out Atkins-style, but …

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May 17, 2008

Friday in San Mateo

Cali is fun, though not the uberhealthy place I imagined. I suppose that’s mostly my and my friends’ fault for the places we chose to ate, but yesterday morning we went to the local greasy spoon for breakfast. I ordered an egg white, turkey, spinach, and mushroom omelette, and swapped the toast for an English muffin… but the English muffin came out pre-buttered (I ate it anyway… bad Laura), the omelette was HUGE (though I’m proud to say I only ate half – I’m getting better about leaving food on my plate!), and it came with a mountainous pile of …

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May 15, 2008

THE Jillian Michaels Story (also THE Jenn Widder story)

By popular request, I’m back posting the Jillian Michaels post before I get to the Providence Half-Marathon race report. (I really suck at posting lately). Last week I heard about something called “Workout in the Park,” sponsored by Self Magazine. It sounded kind of interesting, but the headline was what caught my attention: special guest appearance by Jillian Michaels. I LOVE Jillian Michaels and The Biggest Loser, and working out in Central Park sounded fun, so I signed up and forwarded an Outlook invite to a few friends as well. Saturday morning dawned a bit earlier than I wanted it …

THE Jillian Michaels Story (also THE Jenn Widder story) Read More »

May 13, 2008

22 years old and already heart attack bound

I mentioned a few weeks ago that my doctor was concerned about my cholesterol and that I was getting tested for it. Well, results are in, and although my total cholesterol level isn’t too bad, my LDL level (the bad cholesterol) is almost double the normal. EEK! I went in for a follow-up on Friday, and she gave me a “no-list” of foods that I am now only allowed to have once or twice a month, max: Butter/margarineMayonnaiseCheese of any kindEgg yolksRed meatsAvocado On the bright side, having a medical reason to need to watch my diet is making it …

22 years old and already heart attack bound Read More »

May 8, 2008

Oops to the menu

So, all my planning was for naught. We went with the thirteen course chef’s degustation, which also came up with thirteen glasses of wine (eek). I had no choices for my food, and I was hungry, so I ate it anyway. Back on track for diet tomorrow, I swear. And up at 5 to work out!

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