
August 1, 2008

Two days to go till the SF Marathon!

Recap of my totally amazing and guaranteed to get me sub-4 plan:1. I’ve been okay with the water, though I could do better. I’ve been really good with curbing the drinking – had a few glasses of wine on Wed night, but nothing last night. The problem is we have a big happy hour today at work to welcome the new hires. I’m going to try to make myself feel all special and important so I don’t indulge (“no drink for me, I’m running a marathon on Sunday”) but we’ll see how strong my willpower is.2. Yesterday I totally binged …

Two days to go till the SF Marathon! Read More »

June 25, 2008

Why I can’t bring healthy stuff to work

This week my hotel is next to a Trader Joe’s, so on Monday night, I went there and stocked up on healthy foods. Bran muffins, cereal, almond milk, some apples and oranges, etc. It was all in a grocery bag, and the only thing I ate was one muffin – everything else was brand new, unopened. And the muffin container was closed securely, and at the bottom of the bag, so it wouldn’t even be clear that it wasn’t new. We’re in a different team room this week, and there is barely desk space enough for our computers, let alone …

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June 19, 2008

All riled up

I like iFit&Healthy for finding out about the latest health and fitness news – they do a pretty good job of catching most of the breaking news, and reviewing all the latest books and products. However, their latest review of The Wall Street Diet only served to piss me off. I know that the consulting lifestyle is hard to understand if you’re not living in it, but I hate it when people don’t get it and act as if it’s so easy for me to eat healthy and workout. For example, I like how the review says, “even if you …

All riled up Read More »

June 18, 2008

Getting back on track

Lately I’ve been reading this awesome book, The Wall Street Diet. I saw it featured somewhere online, and even though it was a marketing pitch and not an unbiased review, I was still intrigued. The author, Heather Bauer, promised to understand the challenges of the executive lifestyle: constantly being offered delicious food that you could never afford if it weren’t free, cocktail parties where you munch on hors d’oeuvres for hours but then still feel the need to eat dinner later, client dinners at steakhouses where you get looked at like you have two heads if you try to order …

Getting back on track Read More »

June 11, 2008

Warning: drinking will cause you to think that ice cream is good for your diet.

Me: “I’d like some vanilla ice cream with fresh strawberries on top, please.”Room service: “I’m sorry; we don’t have that on our menu.”Me: “But you serve it in the bar downstairs!”Room service: “Oh… okay, we’ll have it to you within the next thirty minutes!” That’s a pretty amazing guarantee. Do you think it would work if I called and requested a whole oven-roasted turkey? Also, does it count as breaking my diet if I was on the treadmill while having this conversation?

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