
April 2, 2008

Let me eat cake!

My breakfast this morning: (Not the whole thing, just a piece of it. And not the entire piece that is gone.) But you know what? Let’s compare the cake to some things that my coworkers are eating:Nothing: 0 cals, 0g fatDunkin’ Donuts caramel latte: 260 cals, 9g fatBirthday cake: 443 cals, 20g fatStarbucks bagel and cream cheese: 470 cals, 17g fatFresh City wild blueberry muffin: 600 cals, 29g fat When you look at those of us that actually had food (as opposed to nothing or a coffee), I actually did the best. So THERE.

March 26, 2008

Eating healthy is a CLM

I just committed a huge CLM. Translation for those of you not in consulting: Career Limiting Move. Usually this applies to things like screwing up a detail on something we send to the client, checking a bag at the airport, or forgetting a jacket when you’re supposed to wear business formal. Tonight I learned of another CLM: trying to be healthy. Today our workload was manageable, and I didn’t have any team dinners or events planned for the evening. I planned to get some kind of healthy food, relax in my room while eating, and then watch Biggest Loser and …

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March 24, 2008

My Diet

In case you couldn’t tell, I’m trying to make up for my lack of posting by posting some longer entries. Well, not really, but this one and my last one were long, so we’ll call it even after this. Back to daily posting with shorter entries! In my last post, I answered a comment left by an anonymous reader: I am currently a senior college athlete- about to start the real world with a 9-5 and I’m wondering how you got into running and find the time! Also- I see you allot yourself calories for alcohol- how many total cals …

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March 8, 2008

Big News Friday

Last night, the managing director of the office sent out an announcement about the Wall Street Journal accolades to the entire office, so I’ve been getting bombarded with congratulations e-mails from everyone I know and even a few that I don’t. This paper is a huge deal and I’m so glad that I got to work on it! We finalized the edits on it today, and it will hopefully be published next week. I’m not necessarily thrilled with the final product – we had a “professional” writer work on it, and I think his edits actually make the piece less …

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March 4, 2008

Back to the old grind…

Actually, I really shouldn’t have titled this entry the way I did. I love my job and the work that I’m doing, and I love Boston. But still… my ski trip was awesome. I did not break a leg, and I actually did pretty well for myself. “Not breaking a leg” may not seem like a big deal, but let me tell you that I had not been skiing for literally 10 years, so I was a bit concerned about how I would do on the slopes of Killington. However, I did quite well for myself. I did two runs …

Back to the old grind… Read More »

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