
February 22, 2008

Spirit of the Marathon

So like all the others who were slow to get their tickets the first time around and then heard what an awesome experience they missed out on, I went to see Spirit of the Marathon last night. Doing so was not an easy task. I normally fly out on Thursday nights, but there was no guarantee that I could get back to New York by 7:30 when the movie started, so I decided to stay in Boston an extra night and fly back early this morning instead. Unfortunately, there is some crazy winter storm that has cancelled the 7:30 and …

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February 21, 2008

Do your loved ones follow your lifestyle?

Last night on The Biggest Loser, the contestants went home to their families for the week. The idea was to see how they would do in their home environment. Most of the contestants had big parties thrown for them by their friends and family, and most of them included some food that was definitely not diet-friendly. Now, I think it’s pretty insensitive of the families to do that to the contestants (though I’m also guessing that the producers supplied the food for the parties and purposely put those in, just to create drama. Otherwise, I don’t see how the families …

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February 14, 2008

Vending machine dilemma

On my team, I’ve become known pretty quickly as the healthy one. I feel like it shouldn’t be that apparent – I make smart choices when I go out, but it’s more the result of me doing research before I leave the office to plan what I want before I get there. I’m never asking for calorie info at restaurants, and I also almost never get just a salad. I guess being healthy is such a big part of my lifestyle that it’s just obvious, which I guess is good. What’s interesting is, my team is ostensibly all about eating …

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February 2, 2008

Healthy Super Bowl Snacks

With the Superbowl tomorrow, everyone on a diet is dreading a day typically full of chips, beer, and calorie-heavy snacks. There are a ton of articles with healthy recipes (check out Hungry-Girl and Poked and Prodded for some that look great). If you’re going to a party and you’re on a diet, bring your own yummies and try to avoid (or at least minimize) the other stuff. For my Superbowl plans, I’m running in the NYRR Gridiron Classic (4 miler) first thing in the morning. I ran over to NYRR today to pick up my packet/t-shirt, and it was 4.95 …

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January 18, 2008

Goodbye, Healthy Holiday Weekend… Hello, Mindless Hours With My Laptop!

I know a Friday doesn’t seem like a good day to blog about work, but I just got the good word that my three day weekend is no longer. I don’t even get a regular two day weekend. Instead, I get the dubious pleasure of heading into the office tomorrow, taking Sunday off, and then working Monday as well. At least Monday I can work remotely, which means my two day trip to Boston to visit my friend Adam is still on. I’m also trying to negotiate with my manager for a two hour break tomorrow so I can get …

Goodbye, Healthy Holiday Weekend… Hello, Mindless Hours With My Laptop! Read More »

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