
October 25, 2008

I am a cookie monster

Challenge = failure. Since I don’t want to be a failure, I’m changing the rules. From now on, instead of allowing myself to break the “no processed carbs” rule only for one meal on each of the two days preceding a marathon, I can have processed carbs all day for each of the two days beforehand. There, now I’m not failing. Basically, yesterday I had a work dinner, and I hit on the most amazing tactic for not gorging myself like a pig. First, I had a late lunch – at 3 PM. It was also a light lunch, consisting …

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October 23, 2008

I’m in!

Payment has been received. Laura is Registered for Niagara Falls International Marathon Marathon. Lately I seem to keep parroting the same quote: “nobody ever says they wish hadn’t run today.” But it is SO true! Yesterday, I didn’t manage to get out the door for my daily run until 11:52 PM (it counts for day 2 as long as I started before midnight, right?). I had been dreading it all day, and I came really close just skipping it. After all, I was already being an overachiever by doing two challenges instead of just one, so I could fail one …

I’m in! Read More »

October 21, 2008

Commitophobia strikes again!

One advantage of waiting until just a few days beforehand to sign up for a race is that you get to check the weather. It may not be 100% accurate when it’s five days out, but it should at least give me some idea. And the forecast for Niagara Falls on Sunday? Showers likely. Highs in the upper 40s. Chance of rain 60 percent. You know, I was all set to go book my flights and sign up, but now I just don’t know. 40 and rainy? ICK. What do you wear in that? Thanks to the glory of summer …

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October 21, 2008

Feeling successful and ambitious

Today I successfully avoided eating any “processed carbs.” This was no easy feat, as my roommate left a huge amazing loaf of artisan wheat bread out and then left for two weeks. It was up to me to slice it and put it in the freezer, and when I went to slice it, it didn’t slice perfectly, and there were lots of random chunks that would have been so easy to just munch away on. But I threw them out! Whoo hoo 🙂 Also, even though it was freaking cold out today, I threw my running gear on and ran …

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October 19, 2008

I’ll think about it tomorrow

I told Jenn that I would take her 21 day habit challenge, and my chosen challenge is that I’m going to attempt to run every day for 21 days. Minimum length is 1 mile for it to count, so that means it’s less than 10 minutes a day (though of course I will hopefully do more). Treadmills will count, ellipticals won’t. These are my criteria. However, I’m taking today off. Monday is a much better day than Sunday to start a challenge like that, don’t you think? I’m in my running clothes but am lounging around and don’t feel like …

I’ll think about it tomorrow Read More »

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