
December 27, 2007

Healthy Meal: Emeril’s Shrimp Scampi

I was trying to post something light because I know so many of us overindulged on Christmas. However, this recipe actually ended up being a bit heavy because it involved a) pasta b) shrimp and c) oil. Not necessarily a diet recipe, though it’s also not terrible for you. Fortunately, I went running today (NINE miles. Yes, NINE. I’m so proud of myself), so I’ve really earned some more calories to eat (even though I don’t generally make a practice of that). But really, if I don’t eat anything else with the pasta (maybe just some steamed veggies), I’m where …

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December 26, 2007

Healthy Meal: Holiday Strata and Fresh Winter Fruit with Creamy Poppyseed Dressing

Hope everyone had a merry Christmas! 🙂 I forgot to take pics of my Christmas Eve dinner, but I have some yummy brunch recipes coming up – holiday strata and fresh winter fruit with creamy poppyseed dressing. Both were absolutely delicious, and pretty filling, but still on the lighter side for brunch. Good thing, since I ate quite a few treats the night before! Strata recipe notes: First, I cut the recipe in half – it still made 6 decent-sized servings. I used olive oil to saute the mushrooms, just because I didn’t look at the recipe when I started …

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December 24, 2007

Healthy Meal: Super Tuscan Burgers and Potato Salad

Tonight I’m back in the swing of things with some burgers and potato salad. I know, not your typical dinner OR your typical winter food (more of a summertime picnic lunch), but it was good and a delicious way to use up the ground turkey that I had. Sorry for the picture sucking. Tomorrow I’m going to buy brighter lightbulbs for our living room so I can take pictures without the flash and they hopefully won’t be too dark. Recipe notes:I made this recipe without many changes for nutrition, which is why it’s a bit higher-cal than usual (I still …

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December 23, 2007

New Year’s Eve Decisions

Oh, New Year’s Eve. It has the potential to be one of the greatest drinking nights of the year, but has so much pressure to fulfill that potential that it usually falls short. If you’re living in NYC, there is even more pressure due to what has become the typical way to celebrate: overpriced open bars. (If you’re wondering what this has to do with fitness, the supposed topic of my blog, I promise the relevance will eventually become apparent) The open bar is quite a conundrum because you have to order you tickets weeks in advance. You check out …

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December 22, 2007

Are You Unintentionally Sabotaging Your Diet?

One of the hardest things when you’re first starting to try to lose weight is actually realizing your diet and exercise mistakes. Last year was when I started learning how to cook, and I thought the pounds would just melt away if I cooked for myself instead of eating out all the time. I went for about three months without touching fast food! I was never really a fast food junkie, but I drove by a zillion McDonalds and Long John Silvers etc all the time, and sometimes I would just get a really intense craving. I learned to make …

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