
December 22, 2007

Healthy Meal: Spanakopita Chicken Meatballs with Spicy Cucumber and Yogurt Sauce

Work has been a bit busy the past few days, but it’s finally the weekend and I am on vacation until Wednesday!!! Hurray. I’m heading out to celebrate with a few friends, so I wanted to make a fairly light dinner but something that was still filling so I wouldn’t want as much cider 🙂 This is one of my old favorites that I pulled out. Apologies for the dark pictures; I really need to get some better lighting in my living room. As you can see, I paired the meatballs/sauce with a nice Greek salad. The ingredients for that …

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December 21, 2007

Healthy Meal: Minestrone alla Genovese and Panini con Rucola e Prosciutto

Tonight’s dinner I was kind of concerned about. It’s a two-part dinner, and I checked out the calories before I made it. The soup alone was 690, and I was sure that the grilled ham and cheese would add a ton! However, I was really hungry, and decided to make both anyway. I tried to take the pictures with no flash, but I think they came out worse than with the flash. Our living room just isn’t bright enough for photography, unfortunately. But see how I got all artistic and put dots of pesto on the sandwich plate? 🙂 Recipe …

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December 20, 2007

Healthy Meal: Spanish Pork Chops with Cornbread Stuffing and Cherry-Rioja Gravy

I’ve been anticipating this recipe for a LONG time. I’ve mentioned how I taught myself to cook by watching Food Network? I used to tape shows and watch them at night when I was bored. I couldn’t cook all the stuff I taped, especially because I was living alone and was bad at cooking for one, so I generally cooked once and then ate leftovers for 4 days. So I would add recipes that looked good to my Food Network recipe box, and eventually get to them. What I mean by eventually is that, more than a year and a …

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December 19, 2007

A is for Apple

Lately I’ve been snacking on apples a lot. There is a farmer’s market down in the square below my building (though Friday is their last day of the season! No fair), so I stop every few days and pick up a bunch of yummy orchard apples to keep at my desk. I usually eat one every morning around 10 or so as a mid-morning snack to get me through to lunch. I also happened to use an apple last night in my soup and salad, so I’ve been getting quite a few apples into my diet lately! I haven’t really …

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December 19, 2007

Healthy Meal: Butternut Squash Soup and Waldorf Salad

Slow to post tonight because I was busy watching The Biggest Loser season finale. It was great to see how much weight everyone had lost! However, I have to say, at the beginning of the season I always found it super-inspiring. Tuesdays were my hard workout days because I would just jump on the elliptical and go for the whole show, sometimes even hitting the treadmill after! Lately, though, not so much. Tonight I did 35 mins — which is still great, but nowhere near the 60 I was aiming for. I’m excited about the new season January 1st though. …

Healthy Meal: Butternut Squash Soup and Waldorf Salad Read More »

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