
January 9, 2008

Healthy Meal: Apple Chicken Salad Sandwich

I know I’ve been really lax about posting healthy meals lately. I’ve eaten out a few times, eaten leftovers other times, and just plain gotten lazy and not written a post the rest of the time! I do have the pictures saved, so expect me to catch up and provide a lot of great meals over the next few days. Today I’m going to start by posting a lunchtime treat from Monday: apple chicken salad on whole wheat mini pita bread. Apologies for the picture sucking; it was taken at my desk with my PDA camera, while trying not to …

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January 8, 2008

Fruit – Good or Bad?

Lance wrote a great column yesterday on Top 10 Better Health Resolutions. I am very pleased to say that I looked at the list and I am already very good about almost everything on it! I drink a ton of water (today it was 18 glasses, but that’s overkill; usually I’m more around 10-12) I lift weights/do resistance training daily. I’m working on increasing the amount of weight I lift and decreasing the reps, because I think that’s why I haven’t been as happy with the results as I should be. It’s definitely making me more sore, so hopefully that’s …

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January 8, 2008

Couch Exerciser Roundup

Do you like sitting on your butt? Yeah, I do too. However, I try to watch fitness TV shows because they get me a bit inspired and make me at least lift a weights while I watch. Here are a few of my favorites: American Gladiators (Monday nights): I have to say, it’s refreshing to see people in normal clothes when you look into the stands, rather than 80s outfits and hairstyles. I guess the protective gear looks a bit safer this time around too. Otherwise… not much has changed. But I don’t know – I kind of miss laughing …

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January 6, 2008

Healthy Meal: Sirloin Bourguignonne Burger and Greek Salad

This is one of the first things I “learned how to cook” when I first started cooking. It’s not really cooking, per se; it’s really just grilling and combining a few different ingredients. However, it comes out really good, and the flavors work well together. I paired it with a simple Greek salad. Recipe notes for the burger:I’ve changed this recipe a lot, though I think Food Network may have changed it on their site? I distinctly remember using a whole portobello mushroom and spreading it with mustard, and I swear it was this recipe. Anyway, I used ground turkey …

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January 6, 2008

Hangovers and Running In Their Wake

I suppose I should have posted this on Tuesday morning, but I just discovered it today, and thought it might still be helpful for the weekend. All about hangovers, from Diet Detective. I’m fortunate enough not to ever get hungover. Some refer to it as a superpower. In any case, it’s a helpful trait to have on weekends when I want to go running but I drank a ridiculous amount the night before. In fact, this summer I did an 8 mile race the morning after attending a microbrew festival in Albany, NY, at which you were given a punch …

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