
January 5, 2008

Low-Cal Cocktails

Tonight, I got drunk and ate crap. However, I still managed to stay within my calories for the day. How did I do it? I planned ahead to work out and eat lightly before I got to the party (see the zillions of healthy recipes I post on here for some low-cal ideas), and was careful about what I drank. The secret: maximize the alcohol, minimize the calories. If I were really hardcore, I would drink straight shots, and nothing but. However, it’s kind of hard to do that at a company event when you’re trying not to look like …

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January 4, 2008

Race Report: Emerald Nuts Midnight Run

I am probably one of the first bloggers to be able to publish a race report for 2008… yay! On New Year’s Eve I did the Emerald Nuts Midnight Run, a 4 mile race sponsored by the New York Road Runners club. The twist was, I did a version of Beer Mile and attempted to take a shot for each mile of the four mile race. Here’s a list of top 10 do’s and don’ts in case you have any inclination to try something similar. DO pick a liquor that is tasty. Straight vodka, though it has the advantage of …

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January 4, 2008

Healthy Meal: Pork Chops with Caramelized Onion Gravy and Walnut Glazed Yams

I was planning on having just a salad for dinner, but when I stopped at the grocery to pick up a tomato, I saw yams on sale and I got excited. I already had a pork chop in the fridge, and I remembered a delicious recipe I made this summer. It was kind of southern style, with a bourbon gravy and then pecan crusted sweet potatoes. Yams and sweet potatoes are good substitutes for each other, so I picked up a yam and changed my plan. Unfortunately, when I got home, I realized I was lacking some ingredients, and it …

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January 2, 2008

Overcoming Barriers to Exercise

So, like millions of other Americans, you made your New Year’s resolution to get in shape. How do you make sure it actually happens? Here’s a great article on overcoming barriers to exercise. Let’s see which of these categories I fit into, and I’ll add my personal solutions to each: “I’m too tired to exercise after working all day.” I find getting up early really difficult. However, I purchased the 8 Minute Fitness DVD (here’s an link if you’d like to buy it for your very own). I like it for two reasons. One, it’s only eight minutes long, …

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January 2, 2008

Healthy Meal: Hoppin’ John, Collard Greens, and Grilled Pork Chop

Whenever the holidays come around, I like to plan elaborate menus and make traditional foods. For New Year’s, my family didn’t have any traditions, so I thought this would be a great opportunity to try out Hoppin’ John, a black eyed peas and rice dish. Hoppin’ John is a Southern soul food dish traditionally served on New Year’s Day and thought to bring good fortune in the New Year, especially when served with collard greens. Well, I first tried black eyed peas a few weeks ago and still had a box in the freezer, so I thought I’d use them …

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