
February 9, 2008

Drunk on a plane

This was written last night on a legal pad and typed up today when I had time to figure out my handwriting. Thanks to a certain someone who claims that I am way too healthy and don’t drink enough, I thought I’d write up a post of my random thoughts while drunk on the Delta Shuttle back to New York. How did I get drunk, you may ask? Well, part of that is due to my aforementioned healthy nature. Today I was an exceptionally healthy traveler. for breakfast, I picked up a 168 calorie smoothie (I just started to write …

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February 7, 2008

Races I Want to Run: Marathon du Médoc

This post will be the first in an ongoing series listing races I’d like to run someday. I’m not necessarily registering and booking my flights, but these are races that just sound great. These posts won’t be long or really significant, and they won’t replace the regular daily posts, but they’ll be around. Today’s was brought to my attention by Viper in his book review: the Marathon du Médoc. According to a Forbes article, “Every year 59 pedigreed châteaus with names ranging from Lafite Rothschild to Léoville Las Cases host 9,000 runners who set off from the quaint town of …

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February 6, 2008

Restaurant Review: Fresh City

According to their website, “At Fresh City, we consider it our civic duty to provide fresh, wholesome alternatives to fast foods.” Since I wasn’t all that impressed with yesterday’s attempt to be like fast food but healthier, today I went for the “alternatives.” Having done all the research in advance, and knowing that I needed something vegetarian because it’s Ash Wednesday, I got there and immediately opted for the Truly Tuna on low carb wheat tortilla. At 407 calories, it’s way healthier than your average tuna salad sandwich (ahem, Panera… 840 calories for a full-sized sandwich)! The tuna salad was …

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February 6, 2008

Restaurant Review: KnowFat Lifestyle Grille

Today was a fairly successful day as far as diet and exercise go. I dragged myself out of bed at 6 in order to work out before work, and actually got 20 minutes of arms resistance in. For breakfast, I splurged calorie-wise on some oat bran French toast from room service (but at least it was on the Hilton Eat Right menu, so it wasn’t terrible). It was great, but because it was just a bit higher than I wanted for breakfast, it meant that I couldn’t splurge for lunch. Now, I know it’s not great to eat fast food. …

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February 5, 2008

Looks like I’m a-travelin’!

I’m writing this from my seat in 35A on the Delta Shuttle to Boston, where I am proud to say I turned down the bagel and cream cheese offered to me by the flight attendant. I had a bowl of cut fruit when I was at the airport, and I’m still a bit hungry but I think I’ll wait till I land so I can eat something other than the equivalent of five pieces of bread (yes, calorically that’s about what a regular-sized plain bagel is. Worse if you get a flavored bagel like Asiago Cheese or Cinnamon Crunch, my …

Looks like I’m a-travelin’! Read More »

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