
April 1, 2008

Okay, I’m caving

After reading everyone’s fun April Fool’s posts (and getting tricked by a lot of them), I decided to join in the fun and post an actual April Fool’s post instead of just something amusing. However, one does have to do with running, and one does have to do with drinking, and I’m warning you in advance that it’s a joke. These actually come from a list of the Top 100 April Fool’s Day Hoaxes of All Time. The 26-Day Marathon: In 1981 the Daily Mail ran a story about an unfortunate Japanese long-distance runner, Kimo Nakajimi, who had entered the …

Okay, I’m caving Read More »

April 1, 2008

Food Fight

I really hate April Fool’s Day because it’s a day when I get tricked a thousand times (like by this morning’s Gmail Custom Time announcement, which I was all set to write a protest e-mail about until I realized it was April 1). If you tell me something, I will believe what you say – unless you give me a reason not to trust you. Some people would say that I am extremely gullible, but I see trust as a good thing. Anyway, you are not going to get any kind of trick post from me today, but I will …

Food Fight Read More »

April 1, 2008

Monday evening at the Westin check-in desk

Westin Reservation Clerk: “How was your weekend?” Me: “It was great; how was yours?” WRC: “Good! And how is the training going?” Me: “Oh, I’m not here for any training… I’m a consultant and my client is in Boston… that’s why I’m here.” WRC: “No, I know that. I mean how is training for the (Boston) Marathon going? Only a few weeks away!” Me: “Ummmm… really well. Yeah, I am all set for Boston. I did a 10 mile run yesterday.” WRC: “Wow, 10 miles!!! I can’t believe you can run that far!!!” …except that if I were actually running …

Monday evening at the Westin check-in desk Read More »

March 31, 2008

How to win your age group: pick a race that no one else does

Lately I’ve been hearing about all kinds of exotic locations in NYC for races (exotic meaning not Central Park, where 99.9% of NYRR-sponsored events are held). First it was the Lincoln Tunnel Challenge, and now it’s the JFK Runway Run. I was half-heartedly considering both (remember, I never more than half-heartedly consider a race until the deadline is actually that day, due to my commitophobia), until I saw something interesting: If the field for the JFK Runway Run is similar to last year’s field, and if I get the same time I got in the Ras na hEireann, I will …

How to win your age group: pick a race that no one else does Read More »

March 31, 2008

Back from the ski trip and back to killing my legs with long runs

I was exhausted when I got back from my ski trip, but had eaten like such a pig the past few days that there was no way I was going to skip a run. I really need to start getting the mileage up in time for the Brooklyn Half on May 3rd. Additionally, I have the Cooper River Bridge Run next Saturday, and even though it’s only a 10K, I’m a little worried about it: there is a pretty steep uphill (4% incline), and I’m not used to running in the heat anymore. So, I decided to go for a …

Back from the ski trip and back to killing my legs with long runs Read More »

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