
March 29, 2008

Adventures at Stratton

I’m a wee bit pathetic. Today’s the ski trip, but it’s 3 PM on a Saturday and I already am back at the condo, too tired to ski any more. My legs were screaming at me as I was taking turns, and overall I was just tired. I finally called it quits when we went on the first run we had done that day (which was pretty easy), and my muscles were literally shaking. I figured it would not be a good idea to stay out there if I wasn’t in control of my body. We had a discussion on …

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March 28, 2008

Wonderful Friday

The way I normally work:-In an office with no windows-Butt in an uncomfy chair-Laptop sound off-Full suit-Stiletto heels The way I’m working today:-In a hotel room on the 23rd floor with a great view of Boston-Butt in motion as I walk on the treadmill-Laptop blasting some fun music-Track suit-Sneakers I really ought to stay in Boston more Fridays instead of going back to NYC and heading to the office…

March 27, 2008

Random thoughts after a run

Do you ever get the impression when you’re doing a loop run instead of an out-and-back that you’re going the wrong way? I first noticed this when I started running in Central Park. I entered the park at 72nd Street and headed north, but I felt like everyone was going the other way. The next time I ran the park, I turned south at 72nd Street… and still felt wrong. The same is true here in Boston. Coming from the Boston side, I hit the river and turned… well, I don’t know which way is north, but I went toward …

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March 27, 2008

Sitting makes you fat

I don’t think I can get away with propping my computer up to stand (and I definitely can’t install a standing desk, because I’m at a different desk every day), but at least now I know why I’ve been struggling to lose weight since starting my job. I sit and work for about 12 hours/day! Tonight I’m staying in Boston instead of flying back to NYC, while the rest of my team will be leaving around 4 PM to catch their flights to various places. That means I can leave at 4 also and actually run outside! In the daylight! …

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March 26, 2008

Eating healthy is a CLM

I just committed a huge CLM. Translation for those of you not in consulting: Career Limiting Move. Usually this applies to things like screwing up a detail on something we send to the client, checking a bag at the airport, or forgetting a jacket when you’re supposed to wear business formal. Tonight I learned of another CLM: trying to be healthy. Today our workload was manageable, and I didn’t have any team dinners or events planned for the evening. I planned to get some kind of healthy food, relax in my room while eating, and then watch Biggest Loser and …

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