
April 6, 2008


Last night when we were out, a guy referred to me as “that fat girl.” I don’t really like Charleston anymore…

April 5, 2008

Quickie Race Report: Cooper River Bridge Run

Short version: the incline on the bridge was fine for me, but a big deal to everyone else. The temperature was fine for everyone else, but very hot and a big deal for me. Now I remember why I live in the north! In all seriousness though, Charleston is absolutely gorgeous, and I might actually like to live here. I crossed the finish line at 52:11, but I’m not sure how many seconds back I started. Definitely not many. I have to wait for the official results to see if I beat my PR of 52:04 – it will be …

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April 4, 2008

Sabotaging my Cooper River Bridge Run

Tomorrow is the Cooper River Bridge Run, which features a pretty steep climb over the bridge. The website says it’s a 4% incline, but they also show an elevation map that I used to calculate the following profile of the course, which doesn’t quite match up: -0.5% for 0.40 miles (0.4 miles total) 0.5% for 0.35 miles (0.75 miles total) 0.0% for 0.60 miles (1.35 miles total) 2.3% for 1.55 miles (2.90 miles total) 0.0% for 0.10 miles (3.00 miles total) -2.7% for 1.29 miles (4.29 miles total) 1.0% for 0.47 miles (4.76 miles total) 0.0% for 1.46 miles (6.22 …

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April 2, 2008

Why I’m getting nothing done today (blogging is the least of my worries)

Do you remember back in the 90s when you had AOL, you’d get those crappy chainletters and spam not on a BCC list? Then someone would reply-all to the first one, and five others would reply-all to that one telling people they wanted to be removed, and then fifty others would reply-all to announce that you should stop replying-all… etc. That was when people were new to e-mail and hadn’t quite figured out that whole interwebs thing. I thought those days were over. Then, I got an e-mail from the technology communications department. Standard BS about new systems, blah blah. …

Why I’m getting nothing done today (blogging is the least of my worries) Read More »

April 2, 2008

Let me eat cake!

My breakfast this morning: (Not the whole thing, just a piece of it. And not the entire piece that is gone.) But you know what? Let’s compare the cake to some things that my coworkers are eating:Nothing: 0 cals, 0g fatDunkin’ Donuts caramel latte: 260 cals, 9g fatBirthday cake: 443 cals, 20g fatStarbucks bagel and cream cheese: 470 cals, 17g fatFresh City wild blueberry muffin: 600 cals, 29g fat When you look at those of us that actually had food (as opposed to nothing or a coffee), I actually did the best. So THERE.

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