
April 9, 2008

Taking a break

All right, I took everyone’s advice and did not work out. I’m not too happy about that, but you all expressed such concern that I feel like I have no choice but to do what you say. Thanks for being like my mom 🙂 Speaking of my mom, I hadn’t spoken to her much since Sunday, because I didn’t want to stress her out. Unfortunately, my brother called her to see how I was doing in the hospital, so that cat got out of the bag. She took the news pretty well and was relatively calm… I was impressed! However, …

Taking a break Read More »

April 9, 2008

Tales from the ER

When I first arrived at the emergency room, I got to go through triage. (I tried calling earlier in the day to book an appointment for when I could reasonably leave work, but they told me that they wouldn’t take appointments at the ER). In triage, I told the nurse that I had a really bad sunburn, and she looked at me quite skeptically, but filled out my paperwork. I sat there for over an hour waiting to be seen, all the while hearing the doctors and nurses discussing the patients. “Who’s in room T2?” “A girl with a sunburn.” …

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April 8, 2008

Very brief update

I’m not dead and I’m finally out of the hospital. I have a ton of work to catch up on, but will try to post a real update tonight. For now, thanks everyone for the well wishes! P.S. Thanks to Kansas’ win (which I got them to wheel my bed over to the nurses’ station to watch), I finished 7th in my pool of 18. No more last place! Excellent.

April 7, 2008

Sun poisoning can be fatal

I found and called a dermatologist in Boston to schedule an appointment. They took all my info to sign me up as a new patient, and then told me I could come in next Friday. I asked if they had anything sooner, and they asked what my symptoms were. When I told them, their response was: “You need to go to the emergency room. NOW.” It turns out sun poisoning can be fatal, and that my symptoms are indicative of some bad sun poisoning. So I chose a hospital on some semi-random recommendations. Fortunately, it happened to be less than …

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April 7, 2008


I normally don’t ever get sunburned. Even when I sit out without sunscreen, the most I’ve come away with is a little redness on my shoulders. Yesterday, we went to the beach, and since it was my first time out in the sun this season, I was extra careful and used 30 SPF. Unfortunately, it did not do any good, and I think I might have sun poisoning. Symptoms of sun poisoning:Entire body as red as a lobster: checkBurning heat on all skin surfaces: checkPain when I sit, stand, wear clothes, and generally just exist: checkChills and shivering: checkNausea: checkThrowing …

Ouch Read More »

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