September 27, 2008

Healthy Meals: Post-Marathon Celebratory Recovery Smoothie

Boyfriend is already out and drunk. I am in a car on my way from the airport to home. He wants me to get to his party ASAP, but I still need to change + eat something healthy and protein-filled + booze up.

My solution? A smoothie: spinach, banana, peanut butter, protein powder, almond milk… and rum. Lots of rum.

See, Viper, I may have wasted my beer coupons but I’m still a running alcoholic!


17 thoughts on “Healthy Meals: Post-Marathon Celebratory Recovery Smoothie”

  1. Yippppy!!!! You’re so crazy. We are staying at some little hotel called Jupiter. But only for Thur night. Then we are staying with friends. I am thinking of doing a meet up THur night for drinky poos so we have time to recover. Will you be in town yet?

  2. Great job! And I love that you are not afraid to combine nutrition and alcohol! I do the same thing..I’ll count a bloody mary with a lot of garnish as a serving of veggies…gotta get ’em in somewhere 🙂

  3. Random, not related to this post! BUT I am contemplating my marathon training schedule & looking with foreboding at a 20-22 mile run scheduled for Saturday 11/1. (Day before NYC, which all the friends I’m training with seem to be doing – I’m running in Philadelphia 3 weeks later.) I am strongly contemplating a dramatic run-round-as-much-of-the-greenway-as-can-be-run notion, so that there is no temptation to stop after a few ‘loops,’ and suddenly wondered whether you might have some slight urge to join! (My pace is a little slower than yours, but I am dedicated to getting in the whole distance and know it will be much easier and more fun if I can rope someone else in on it!) Anyway, drop me a line at jmd204 at columbia dot edu if you think you might be up for it…

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