
March 12, 2023

Navigating the Midlife Crossroads


I just reread my New Year’s post, and while it ended on a positive note, it was definitely a bit of a downer. I was excited that things were trending upwards, but also afraid that they wouldn’t stay that way. What calamities were still to come?! But I’ve now gotten through February, and things have indeed been getting better and better. As I’ve discussed with my therapist, I keep thinking, “ah, now I’m back to the way I used to be!”… and then a few days later, I feel better still! I hesitate to say I’m totally better, as I recognize that …

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April 9, 2022

Planning for More Time Doing Nothing


I recently read and loved this article by Nir Eyal on how Planning Ahead Is the Key to Living With More Spontaneity. The title is intriguingly contradictory, but it’s something I’ve known about myself for a while: if I can strictly plan everything I have to do (with the help of a to-do list or calendar), I can comfortably waste some time, even if everything else isn’t done yet. Timeboxing makes it a lot easier for me to enjoy the time I’m wasting, rather than worrying about “goofing off” and doing something unproductive, and it’s part of why I love …

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June 5, 2018

Weekend Recap: Essentialism in Scheduling


This was one of the best weekends I’ve had in a long time! A huge variety of activities, quality time with a lot of wonderful people, and some epiphanies about how I want to schedule my weekends in the future. Friday was pretty hectic at work, but it ended with the bimonthly women’s book club that I run. This month, we were discussing Greg McKeown’s Essentialism, which I found fascinating and inspiring – I’d highly recommend it. I had thought that essentialism was going to be primarily be about cleaning out stuff, a la Marie Kondo, but it actually focused …

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February 13, 2018

Running for Consistency Over Speed


Over the weekend, I loved reading this article about focusing on processes rather than outcomes. It made me think of what I’ve been doing with running lately. On January 1st, I started trying to maintain a running streak. Unlike my successful streak last summer, this time, the stakes were a little higher – I had to run two miles in a day for it to count. That ended up being a lot harder than just one mile! With one mile, I could bang it out without feeling like I had even gotten a workout in – it was just a …

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February 6, 2018

App I Love: Stretchly


My January was a little bit of a bust – I was probably only about half successful with my New Year’s resolutions (which I still haven’t even formally blogged about!). But I’m taking the new month as an opportunity to recommit to my goals and habits, and one of those new habits is my use of the Stretchly app on my computer. Stretchly is a simple computer app that pops up periodic reminders on your desktop for you to take either a microbreak or a full break. You can program how long of an interval to go between each microbreak, …

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