
September 18, 2020

Weekend Recap: Committing to an Ultra


My weekend kicked off with a fun (but safe) social event – my best friend Heather’s birthday! We had been discussing for weeks what to do to celebrate, since Heather is equally cautious about COVID, and she ultimately decided she wanted to invite a small group of people to meet for beers on the patio at Four Noses, her favorite brewery. It was wonderful! We had to wait a while (literally 1.5 hours) for a table to open up, but we were able to hang out in the parking lot talking away from everyone else in the meantime, and it …

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May 14, 2020

Socializing in the Time of COVID19: Risks and Rewards


In Sunday’s Links I Love, I shared a really funny YouTube video that a coworker sent me: “training for real life.” Now, I’ll be honest; there’s a lot of this video I can’t relate to. I’ve been working out daily, showering daily, wearing pants and a bra daily, and I haven’t watched Netflix once! But last weekend, Colorado’s governor also moved us from “stay-at-home” to “safer-at-home” – meaning we are slowly reopening non-essential businesses and allowing people to go out into the world. “Real life” (or at least the “real life” I am guessing we will have for the next year …

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May 5, 2020

Quarantine Goals, Take 2


Next week will mark two full months alone in quarantine for me… something I never imagined when this all began. And yet, I’m finding that I’m reasonably content. I miss my friends, and there are definitely bouts of loneliness. (As someone whose love language is touch, and who is always hugging friends, it’s nuts to me that I haven’t touched a single human in two months!) But I track my mood each day in the Daylio app on my phone, and I’m still rating most days as “pretty good” or “great” – which I guess proves the hedonic treadmill right. …

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April 25, 2020

Weekend Recap: Last Weekend with Sesame


This was one of the tougher weekends I’ve had. On Thursday, I got a call about a potential forever family for Sesame… which was both sad and happy. Obviously sad because I would miss having her around, but, it would be wonderful for her to have a permanent home. And, truthfully, there were some things about living with Sesame that were a hassle (constant fur all over the house, never being able to do something on my own without a huge production). This was definitely bittersweet! While I usually try to wrap up work on Fridays by 5:30 or 6, …

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April 23, 2020

My COVID Vacances


On Tuesday, I took a day off work and went on vacation… to France! Well, in my imagination 🙂 At work, we’re having an issue where no one is taking their vacation time. Not only could this be an issue when things start getting back to normal (someday? Maybe?) and everyone suddenly wants to take weeks of vacation at the same time, but it also means that staff aren’t taking the breaks they need to rest and recharge. Speaking for myself, I am busier now and working longer hours than I was pre-COVID19, and I know I’m going to burn …

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