
August 30, 2016

Too Many Excuses

Yesterday, while sitting and working at my computer, I got a sudden pain in my neck shoulder. For a few minutes, I felt like I couldn’t breathe because it hurt so much, and then it subsided a bit and I was left with a dull ache – kind of like when you turn your neck too fast and then it hurts for a bit. (Except this had suddenly come on while I was sitting still.) It reminded me a bit of when I slipped a disc in my neck, though wasn’t nearly as excruciating. However, this morning I woke up …

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August 22, 2016

August Goal Check In: Week 3

I wasn’t really sure what to title this post. I’ve intended to have 5K training as my goal since August 1, but it’s been waylaid several times, and so this is my first time checking in. Furthermore, my goal this month is actually going to be a two month goal (so it’s really an August/September goal check in). But let’s forge on ahead, shall we? As a brief recap since I haven’t done one of these check ins yet: Week 1: Went on antibiotics for my scraped up leg and wasn’t allowed to work out at all. Whomp whomp. Week 2: Did …

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August 18, 2016

The Run That Made Me Grumpy


People say there’s no such thing as a bad run. The only time I’ve heard that questioned is when someone gets injured on a run, or something similarly bad happens. But the conventional wisdom is that no matter what’s going on, you’ll always be in a better mood after a workout, right? That’s normally true for me, but today, I would argue that my run ruined my day. Adam has been an awesome coach as I’m working toward my goal of PRing in the 5K, and I’ve discovered that I really like having a coach. I’ve mentioned before that part of why …

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July 18, 2016

July Goal Progress: Week 2 Check In

It’s now the third week of the month, and I’ve only done one weekly check in on my goal to eat the frog? Shame on me. But a lot has happened in the last week though that’s had me in a bit of a tizzy. I did successfully block off a chunk of my workday mornings to deal with my most important thing of each day. However, we had some staffing changes at work that have resulted in a ton of new responsibility for me, and it’s taken me some time to come up to speed and get to a point where …

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July 1, 2016

July Challenge: Eat the Frog


Can you believe it’s July already?! June went by pretty fast, even though I gave up sugar for the month, and now I’m excited that summer is finally here. Sure, we’ve hit some record breaking high 90s temps in Colorado already, but to me, July is the first month that is wholly summer, and I am really pumped to make the most of it. In order to make the most of it, though, I want to try to get a slightly better handle on my time management. I’ve been feeling kind of overwhelmed lately, with many days consisting of back-to-back meetings so …

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