It’s now the third week of the month, and I’ve only done one weekly check in on my goal to eat the frog? Shame on me. But a lot has happened in the last week though that’s had me in a bit of a tizzy.
I did successfully block off a chunk of my workday mornings to deal with my most important thing of each day. However, we had some staffing changes at work that have resulted in a ton of new responsibility for me, and it’s taken me some time to come up to speed and get to a point where I could even identify the one most important task of my day. (I had about 50 things that were must-dos, and I admittedly got behind.) However, I spent a few hours on Saturday and all of Sunday catching up on work, and now I feel ready to rock and roll!

I recently read a post by Stephen Guise on what causes procrastination: perfection. His post discusses the ways you can “be an imperfectionist” and get things done even if they aren’t quite perfect. How many years have I said that I can’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good… and yet, I never actually follow it?! Guilty as charged.
Even though I haven’t necessarily been using my “eat the frog” window as much as I’d like, I’ve been so busy that I have been frequently forced to just take a first pass at something because I knew it was the only time I had to do it. (Like: being in bed at 10:15pm banging out this blog post.) I got a ton of work done this weekend when I forced myself to just dive in and give it a shot, and I think perhaps that’s a mantra I need to follow a bit more.
Tomorrow, though, I am intent on getting back to eating the frog. I have a meeting at 8:30am that is arguably my most important of the day, so I’ll spend 7:30am-8:30am prepping. But then, at 9am, it’s time for me to draft and send the agenda for a workshop I’m leading next Monday, with no excuses.
Cheers to a new week and a new beginning 🙂