Double dose of links coming at you this week, since I skipped posting on my birthday!
Want to stay in bed longer? Here’s what I’ve been loving, laughing at, and getting intrigued by all week long. Now cozy up with your laptop/tablet and enjoy 🙂

Nearly Half of New Yorkers Won’t Take a Week of Vacation This Summer. Uh oh, this is me… can’t remember the last time I took a week off! (Skift)
Why rudeness at work is contagious and difficult to stop. (Aeon Magazine)
How to lead a team when you don’t understand their work. (Patty Azzarello)
Why Women (Sometimes) Don’t Help Other Women. (The Atlantic)
8 Tips About Overcoming Impostor Syndrome I Wish I Had Known. (Buffer)
Leadership in my eyes. (LinkedIn)
How to Use Personality Tests to Build a Productive Team. (Zapier)
An Open Letter To Speakers. (Scott Berkun)
Bots are the new apps: Now what?. (Crew Blog)
People Don’t Buy Products, They Buy Better Versions of Themselves. (Medium)
3 Hacks to Focus Deeply and Be More Productive. (Under 30 CEO)
12 Ways To Make Sure You Finish What You Start, Without Exception. (Deep Existence)
This Is How To Make Good Decisions: 4 Secrets Backed by Research. (Barking Up the Wrong Tree)
When to Quit and When to Double Down. (Deep Existence)
The science of surprise: How to make your work unforgettable. (Crew Blog)
Why Handwriting Is Still Essential in the Keyboard Age. (New York Times)
How To Make A Relationship Last: 5 Secrets Backed by Research. (Barking Up the Wrong Tree)
This Routine Can Make Your Evening Less Stressful And The Next Day More Productive. (The Energy Project)
Should Pediatricians Refuse to Treat Patients Who Don’t Vaccinate?. (New York Times)
Why eating whenever you feel like it isn’t great for your health. (Well & Good NYC)
Is Sushi ‘Healthy’? What About Granola? Where Americans and Nutritionists Disagree. (New York Times)
Help for Middle-of-the Night Insomnia. (Wall Street Journal)
5 Things That Happened When I Tried to Take 20,000 Steps a Day. (Runners World)
5 thoughts you’re bound to have during your first long run. (Well & Good NYC)
Two-Hour Marathon. Can It Be Done?. (New York Times)
Try Something New: Trail Running. (Cool of the Wild)
Are lighter weights just as effective as heavier weights?. (Well & Good NYC)
Is the boutique fitness scene too obsessed with intensity?. (Well & Good NYC)
How getting sweaty turned into a big business. (Well & Good NYC)
A Very-Good-News Story: Microbursts and U.S. Aviation. (WunderBlog)
Investors Dump Airline Stocks as bad News Persists. (Skift)
Hawaiian Airlines introduces new auction service for First Class seats. (Future Travel Experience)
The All-You-Can-Fly Jet Service That May Have Found the Secret to Success. (Skift)
Floating airports: Could they finally happen? (CNN)
‘Touchless bag drop’ system goes live at Dublin Airport. (Future Travel Experience)
After Istanbul terror attack, should U.S. airport screening be done off site? (Chicago Tribune)
Congress Is Finally About to Approve an Aviation Bill to Relieve Lines and Boost Security. (Skift)
U.S. Airports Struggle to Attract New Service From Any Airline. (Skift)
Visit Denver Invests Big In Event Marketing to Woo Event Planners. (Skift)
What does Pokemon Go mean for the travel industry?. (Tnooz)
To what extent should travellers adjust their dress when abroad?. (Economist)
How do Americans stand out from the rest of the world?. (Pew Research)
Everything You Need to Know About Traveling With Friends. (New York Magazine)
The parenting gap: why French mothers prefer to use the firm smack of authority. (Guardian)
Grace. (Sweet Life with Ericka)
Table Setting Rules: A Simple Guide for Every Occasion. (FTD Flowers)
Over the past 6 years, I’ve fine-tuned a spreadsheet that has completely changed my finances. (Business Insider)
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