
March 15, 2013

Book Review: The One Hundred, by Nina Garcia

March has been a VERY expensive month so far, and it’s mostly thanks to my appearance challenge. I have been online shopping like crazy, trying to round out the things that I am learning are missing from my closet. There are a lot of things that I just plain never thought to buy (um, nice leather boots and skinny jeans? Oops), and while I’ve been mostly trying to find stuff that’s on sale, it all adds up! Overall, I think my biggest fashion issues are a lack of some of those essential items, the fact that I never pay attention …

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March 8, 2013

Book Review: Jillian Michaels’ Slim For Life

I’ve recently become a total podcast addict. I listen while I’m getting ready in the morning (which is still only 20-30 minutes despite my new focus on my appearance), I listen while I’m driving (in Dallas), and I listen when I’m walking/taking the subway (in NYC). I’ve been plowing through podcasts like crazy, but lucky for me, one of my favorites has quite a library of archives – the Jillian Michaels podcast. For the last few months, Jillian has been talking a lot about a new book that she’s writing, Slim For Life. I’ve read several of Jillian’s books in …

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January 12, 2013

Picking My Plan B

This morning, I kicked off day 11 of my “work out every day” January challenge with not just one but two workouts: Flywheel and Refine Method. I’ve written a lot about Flywheel in the past, being a FlyAddict and all, but Refine Method is something that is very new to me – and I’m loving it. I was first introduced to Refine Method when Melissa invited me to a blogger outing – but I went into it really sore and didn’t do such a great job. So when I heard about the Refine Resolution Challenge and found out that several …

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November 6, 2012

GSD: Achieving Flow

Lately, one of my favorite acronyms has become GSD, or “Get ‘Stuff’ Done.” Throughout the day, I go through bursts of superproductivity where everything is going my way and I am just knocking off to do list tasks left and right. Those times, I proudly announce that I am in “GSD mode.” Yesterday, unfortunately, was not one of those days. Last week I worked from home due to Hurricane Sandy – and while email is great, a lot of stuff at my job gets accomplished during meetings. People really like to discuss things in person here in order to reach …

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September 28, 2012

Race Report: Heels and Hills and Him Half Marathon

Despite the fact that New York is known as “the city that never sleeps,” I am usually in bed by 1am there. In Dallas? Well, apparently when out with friends here, I don’t go to bed until 6:30am. Yes, two nights before my half marathon (aka the most important night to get a good night’s rest). Oops. We spent Saturday going to an incredible Latin brunch at a place my friend JP recommended… and then pretty much going back to bed for the rest of the day. While BF napped, I’m not much of a napper, so I caught up …

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