
October 25, 2014

Sponsored Shoe Review: Mizuno Wave Rider 18

Mizuno Wave Rider 18

The following post is sponsored by FitFluential LLC on behalf of Mizuno. I know I already wrote about this earlier in the week, but my goodness, fall in Colorado is just amazing. This morning, my running group and I ditched the paved Big Dry Creek Trail and instead headed up to Betasso Preserve (just north of Boulder) for some real trail running. I was getting nervous on the drive there, since I had to wind up and around some steep roads to get to the trailhead, but the trail itself ended up being fairly gentle: lots of little ups and …

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October 14, 2014

Public Health and Getting Vaccinations to Protect Others

About two months ago, someone (shout out who you are; I’m so sorry I forgot!) recommended a pretty timely book to me: The Hot Zone: The Terrifying True Story of the Origins of the Ebola Virus. I read it back when Ebola was sweeping across Africa pretty dreadfully, but before anyone had brought it to the US. Now, it’s really scary to see that two patients have come down with it in Dallas, right where I used to work for so long, and at the same hospital where I went for a consultation on my slipped disc last summer! That …

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October 6, 2014

Fall Weekend Fun, Indoors and Out

Denver Spikeball

This was a really packed weekend, and yet I still managed to get plenty of sleep. So basically, perfect! Friday night was a quiet night in for me (catching up How To Get Away With Murder = awesome), but Saturday morning I was up bright and early to head to a group run with Road Runner Sports Westminster. It had been a while since I’d been back to the group – and for that matter, it had been a while since I’d really gone for a run! I’ve been going hiking a lot, or hitting the cardio machines/weights at the …

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April 21, 2013

Everyone Goes a Little Nuts Sometimes

This weekend, I headed down to Philly for a fantastic bachelorette weekend for my friend Kelly. Although Kelly and I both went to NYU for college and lived in the same dorm freshman year, we didn’t meet until we started our first post-college job and were in the same analyst start group. We immediately clicked though, and decided to live together a year later. Kel has since moved from New York to Chicago for b-school, and is now living with her fiance in Denver, so I don’t get to see her that often, but when I do, I’m amazed at …

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April 8, 2013

Weekend Trip: Park City, Utah

This weekend was really a slam dunk. First, I headed home from Dallas early on Thursday in order to meet up with a team of analysts I was coaching for a work extracurricular. In short, the analyst teams were tasked with coming up with a way to improve our firm – and after the first round cuts brought the teams down to five, each team in the finals got to present their ideas to the most senior leaders in our firm. The final presentations were held on Friday morning, and it was very exciting to sit in the executive boardroom …

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