
January 21, 2008

What would you do if money was no object?

With Friday’s post about my job, and me being away for the weekend but still unfortunately working right now, I thought it would be a good time to discuss a question my Director asks all new team members at our “welcome to the team” lunch. (On a side note, this week at that lunch, I did a great job eating healthy for the meal: no bread, drank water, and got grilled salmon with lentils as my entree… but then I ate a 700 cal bread pudding for dessert. It was SO worth it though.) Anyway, the question is: if all …

What would you do if money was no object? Read More »

January 19, 2008

Shallow thoughts of a girl who wishes she were a cool runner

Those are really weird headphones poking out from under that girl’s headband. They look like pearl earrings. Wait, they are?! Wow, that is way too preppy… I can’t believe she’s wearing them while she runs. The two guys behind me seem to know EVERYONE. They keep saying hi to people. I wish I knew lots of people to say hi to. (Expletive expletive expletive) I think my left thigh is getting a bit sore. (Expletive). I am GOING to run this (expletive) race next weekend, and I am GOING to run 10 (expletive) miles today. I don’t care. It’s not …

Shallow thoughts of a girl who wishes she were a cool runner Read More »

January 18, 2008

Goodbye, Healthy Holiday Weekend… Hello, Mindless Hours With My Laptop!

I know a Friday doesn’t seem like a good day to blog about work, but I just got the good word that my three day weekend is no longer. I don’t even get a regular two day weekend. Instead, I get the dubious pleasure of heading into the office tomorrow, taking Sunday off, and then working Monday as well. At least Monday I can work remotely, which means my two day trip to Boston to visit my friend Adam is still on. I’m also trying to negotiate with my manager for a two hour break tomorrow so I can get …

Goodbye, Healthy Holiday Weekend… Hello, Mindless Hours With My Laptop! Read More »

January 17, 2008


For the past few months, the 3FC forums have been a great community for me to get support. I’ve learned so much from the women there, and I think it’s a big part of what’s helped me get this far in my weight loss (7 pounds down, 5 to go!). Because everyone has been so helpful to me, I try to do my part to give back by providing support and encouragement to other people, and also answering a lot of the same questions that get asked over and over, that I now know the answers to. Yesterday, someone posted …

Frustrated… Read More »

January 17, 2008

Healthy Meal: Blueberry-Onion Sauced Pork Tenderloin

When I bought those pork cutlets and was looking for something to do with them and cherries, I first started by looking for pork and fruit. This is one of the things that came up, and it looked great, so I saved it for later. Usually when I save things for later it means, oh, never, or at least a few months later. This one I pulled out immediately though, and I’m glad I did. As you can see from the pic, I paired it with beets and Normandy blend from Whole Foods (it’s haricots verts, carrots, and wax beans). …

Healthy Meal: Blueberry-Onion Sauced Pork Tenderloin Read More »

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