
February 16, 2008

Some inspiration from the Ironman Kona

This afternoon the 2007 Ironman coverage was featured on NBC. I don’t follow triathlons really, so I had no idea who won – I just love watching the race coverage. One thing I love about the coverage is that it doesn’t end when the winners cross the finish line. In fact, they profile some regular people (well, regular except that they are ridiculously strong and tough enough to do the Ironman) as they struggle to meet the midnight deadline for finishers. When people who don’t run (or tri) hear about races, they think it’s about winning. As a mid-packer, it’s …

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February 15, 2008

Beautiful day for a run!

As much as I love Boston, I’m thrilled to be back home in New York. Today at work we had our “town hall,” which was our big staff meeting. It was kind of boring… so I made up for it by eating everything in sight. Since it was a buffet, that meant bad news for my diet. I started out kind of okay for breakfast… I got a big bowl of fresh fruit, and then a small chocolate croissant (estimated at 300 cals). Which isn’t terrible. For lunch, I opted for a huge salad with a teeny bit of dressing, …

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February 14, 2008

Vending machine dilemma

On my team, I’ve become known pretty quickly as the healthy one. I feel like it shouldn’t be that apparent – I make smart choices when I go out, but it’s more the result of me doing research before I leave the office to plan what I want before I get there. I’m never asking for calorie info at restaurants, and I also almost never get just a salad. I guess being healthy is such a big part of my lifestyle that it’s just obvious, which I guess is good. What’s interesting is, my team is ostensibly all about eating …

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February 13, 2008

Restaurant Review: B.Good

When searching for healthy restaurants in Boston, one place kept coming up: B.Good. According to the story on their website, “Our plan is simple – fill the void. Serve “real” food. You know, the foods we all love, like burgers, salads, chicken sandwiches, and fries. The difference? Our food is better for you because we use the healthiest ingredients and cooking methods. And our food tastes better because we take the time to make it right – homemade & fresh each day. After all, we all love fast food but hate the way it makes us feel – sick and …

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February 13, 2008

New calorie laws are actually making life more difficult for me

In case you didn’t know, NYC is cracking down on restaurants and trying to get them to provide calorie info. I find it crazy that fine dining establishments think they shouldn’t have to obey the rules. How exactly is it “comparing apples and oranges?” You and McDonalds both serve food. (Well, kind of… some McDonalds items don’t quite qualify as “food” in my mind, but they are at least something you put in your mouth and that some people would count as food). If the argument is that people come to fine dining restaurants for the atmosphere, then they’re probably …

New calorie laws are actually making life more difficult for me Read More »

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