
February 20, 2008

Running is not killing me… work is.

I wrote half of this yesterday, but with work being crazy, finished it and am posting it today. I’ll try to post something else later today to make up for my lapse. Because I’m such a good little Millenial (really interesting article here), I call my mom everyday and have a very close relationship with her. However, before I go any further, I’d like to clarify a few things. My mom does not: Provide me with any money. Though she would in a heartbeat if I was in trouble and asked for it. Call my work, or in fact, know …

Running is not killing me… work is. Read More »

February 19, 2008

Healthy Hotel Review: Hilton Boston Back Bay

I stayed at the Hilton two weeks ago, and wrote most of this then, but have been slow to post it. I’m staying at the Westin right now, and I find that I keep adding to this review as I compare it to the Westin. For the record, I like the Hilton much better… but the Westin has a treadmill/spinning bike in my room, which is the only reason I stay here. If they ever kick me out of this room, I will kick them out of my trip itinerary and hightail it back to the Hilton. Working out at …

Healthy Hotel Review: Hilton Boston Back Bay Read More »

February 18, 2008

My first marathon training run (or, how I survived my first hangover)

Last night, Kelly’s Sports Bar in the East Village ran a special: 80 cent jagermeister shots and 80 cent Newcastle pints. Ridiculous! This started at 9, and when we got there at 11, it was absolutely packed. Within five minutes of our arrival, they ran out of beer (no, I was not responsible for that – in fact, I had not even managed to get a bartender’s attention yet). People cleared out pretty quickly, but we decided to stay and enjoy the jager. The place was far from empty, but it was definitely more comfortable than before, and we even …

My first marathon training run (or, how I survived my first hangover) Read More »

February 18, 2008

Healthy Meal: Pork Chops with Cran-Apple Sauce, Scallion Potatoes, and Snap Peas

I first made this recipe last summer, and really liked it. When pork chops went on sale at Gristedes, I figured I’d try the recipe again and post it here for you all to enjoy as well 🙂 Recipe notes for the pork chop and sauce:I used a pretty big pork chop (6 oz instead of the standard 4), because I was really hungry. I grilled it on my Foreman instead of pan searing it, which meant no oil was necessary. For the sauce, I used a whole apple, 1/8 cup of dried cranberries, and 1/2 cup of juice, which …

Healthy Meal: Pork Chops with Cran-Apple Sauce, Scallion Potatoes, and Snap Peas Read More »

February 17, 2008

You Know You’re a Crazy Running Blogger When… #6

You spend your long runs thinking up pithy titles and creative content for new blog posts. Stay tuned to see the results…

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