January 11, 2009

You don’t have to stalk me

Not that I mind when you do, but I figured I’d just save you the trouble and post my time. Unfortunately, I can’t quite figure it out. According to the website, my clock time was 4:38:26… but my chip time was 4:40:11 (no, those times aren’t reversed). Interesting how I managed to start before the clock did!

In any case, I’m thrilled with that time, especially since it included two bathroom breaks for GI distress (not that distressing, but enough that I needed to stop) and 119 stops for pictures – I managed to get every single character I saw! I’ll leave you with a quick preview:


42 thoughts on “You don’t have to stalk me”

  1. Hey!! Well – I ran into you at the magic kingdom!! I saw your Marathon Manic Jersey and thought – that has to be laura! Awesome race and I can’t wait to see your pictures!!

  2. I have the Skinny Bitch Body left and what I saw the arms section doesn’t use weights, not that it isn’t tiring in some ways, but no weights. The abs section is pretty decent but if you’ve been doing lots of abs it won’t be much help in my opinion.

    If you still want to give it a go, send me your address

    amandacbrooks at yahoo

  3. My first marathon was the Disneyworld 2006 – I LOVED every minute…I had many stops along the way, but my clock and chip time were 8 minutes apart! My watch time (I stopped it for bathroom breaks & medical tent break)was 22 minutes different…go figure…I don’t run for times anyway!

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