
May 2, 2020

Weekend Recap: Hello Sugar!


This weekend was pretty quite, but it came with some big news… I brought home a new dog to foster! Friday night, I tried a recipe from a new-to-me cooking blog, Whole and Heavenly Oven. I was reviving my cookblog club in virtual form on Sunday, and my friend Cathryn suggested this blog as our pick. While browsing for recipes to make Sunday, I found a few others I thought I’d try to make as well, and this turkey taco chili twice-baked sweet potato recipe was one of them, particularly as I had some sweet potatoes to use up. I …

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April 30, 2020

Race Report: Back on my Feet Meaningful Miles Virtual 5K


Last summer, I attended the Denver launch of Back on my Feet (BomF), a nonprofit that seeks to combat homelessness by first building confidence and self-esteem through weekly group runs, then enrolling participants in financial literacy classes and job skills training. I haven’t been able to volunteer with BomF since that first run, but my good friend Heather sits on their Board, and I joined her team for their fundraiser 5K, which was supposed to be last weekend. But… COVID19 happened. And the 5K turned from a physical race around Sloan’s Lake, to a virtual race. The “race” kicked off …

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April 25, 2020

Weekend Recap: Last Weekend with Sesame


This was one of the tougher weekends I’ve had. On Thursday, I got a call about a potential forever family for Sesame… which was both sad and happy. Obviously sad because I would miss having her around, but, it would be wonderful for her to have a permanent home. And, truthfully, there were some things about living with Sesame that were a hassle (constant fur all over the house, never being able to do something on my own without a huge production). This was definitely bittersweet! While I usually try to wrap up work on Fridays by 5:30 or 6, …

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April 23, 2020

My COVID Vacances


On Tuesday, I took a day off work and went on vacation… to France! Well, in my imagination 🙂 At work, we’re having an issue where no one is taking their vacation time. Not only could this be an issue when things start getting back to normal (someday? Maybe?) and everyone suddenly wants to take weeks of vacation at the same time, but it also means that staff aren’t taking the breaks they need to rest and recharge. Speaking for myself, I am busier now and working longer hours than I was pre-COVID19, and I know I’m going to burn …

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April 4, 2020

Weekend Recap: Filling the Time


On Tuesday, I hosted a virtual happy hour for one of my teams at work. I had everyone fill out a survey of silly / interesting questions ahead of time, then we guessed who gave which answer. It was a lot of fun! One of the questions was, “If you could have any superpower, what would it be?” Whenever I’ve been asked this question in the past, my answer has always been, “the ability to freeze time.” In the last few years, I have found myself acutely aware of how limited my time is. There is so much I want to …

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