
March 13, 2021

Weekend Recap: Vaccine, Long Run, and Free Skiing


On Thursday, I got a special surprise – at lunchtime, I had a call from the Walmart pharmacy in Longmont. They had extra doses of the COVID19 vaccine and asked if I could be there in 90 minutes to get one! I started literally jumping for joy and dancing around the house with glee, and Sadie got into the act too (though she had no idea what was making me so crazy). I know the vaccine isn’t a panacea, and I will of course keep distancing and wearing my mask, but it will be such a relief to not be …

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November 21, 2020

Weekend Recap: Quarantined


My weekend unfortunately did not start off well. A few minutes after I woke up, J let me know that his son had a sore throat and wouldn’t be going to school. Although J’s son’s school is closed, J and his ex have chosen to keep their son in an optional program where he goes to school every day and does his online learning from the school cafeteria with several other kids, all masked, and then they can play together outside during breaks. J and I don’t see anyone outside of the kids, but we have long known that the …

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October 31, 2020

Weekend Recap: J’s Birthday


This weekend was J’s birthday, and I bent some of my own COVID19 rules to make it special. Now, with case counts going up quite a bit, I feel pretty guilty that I did so. I think it’s unfortunately time to lock down and go back to being as strict as we were in March 🙁 But! That’s a story for next weekend (when I started out Friday having a COVID19 meltdown… yuck). This weekend, on Friday morning, I started J’s birthday by attempting to bake a frittata. He likes savory things more than sweet, so while baked oatmeal is …

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July 1, 2020

Weekend Recap: Not Alone but Lonely


This was supposed to be a social and fun weekend, but I ended up feeling pretty isolated and alone 🙁 My Friday kicked off in a weird way. On Tuesday, I woke up with my left eye really puffy and swollen – but not at all red or itchy. To be honest, I kind of ignored it for a few days, thinking it would go away on its own, but by Thursday evening, when it was still as swollen as ever, I realized I needed to address it before the weekend. My optometrist opened at 7am on Friday (amazing?!), so …

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June 6, 2020

Weekend Recap: Trail Time


Although Friday was a work day, it kicked off in a special way – I woke up early enough to take Sugar for a trail run at Eldorado State Park, a few miles away, rather than just on the neighborhood trails! This is one of my favorite trail runs in the area – it’s 1000 vertical feet of gain on the ascent, but about half of that is totally runnable (and I hike the rest). Sugar and I have done this run together a few times, and she loves it! I was expecting to be a lot slower with Sugar …

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