
August 3, 2015

Rediscovering My Old Hobbies


While working on some of the talks I’m going to be giving at our senior associate training this fall, I’ve been going through the story of how I went from someone who couldn’t run a mile, to doing my first marathon, to a world record. However, my speech coach has been encouraging me to point out something I honestly hadn’t given much thought to before: that just because I picked up the new hobby of running didn’t mean that I changed who I was, or gave up my old hobbies. In this case, I was a musical theater nerd when …

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June 26, 2015

Rainstorms Make Rainbows

The chicken or the egg: do we get sick because we are busy and stressed, or do we get stressed because we are sick and busy? Either way, I’m none too pleased. Hope to be back to actual blogging soon. In the meantime, here’s a pic of my neighborhood after a recent rainstorm. My house is almost exactly where the pot of gold should be, but I haven’t found it yet. Another metaphor 😉

June 17, 2015

Hot Weekend in Boulder / Reducing My Home Energy Bill


This weekend, Adam and I were supposed to go camping… but while we had a blast camping in Arizona two weekends ago, the idea of packing up all that gear again just seemed like a hassle. Moreover, it is nearly impossible to figure out where in Colorado you can camp outside of a campground… I am rather shocked at how little information we were able to turn up on the interwebs, although Adam eventually found some dispersed spots after a ton of research. We’ll put that info to good use sometime soon! But I’m not paying the expensive Boulder property …

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May 4, 2015

Sponsored Giveaway: Working on Balance and Not Sweating the Small Stuff

Laura with Lawnmower

On Friday, I led a women’s book club for my firm where we read The Confidence Code, by Katty Kay and Claire Shipman. I had already read the book before, but like Lean In, it’s the kind of book you can read again and again and get new insights each time based on where you are in your life. The discussion was outstanding, and also really thought-provoking. For example, we talked about the relationship between self-esteem and confidence, and whether they go together or if you can have one without the other. One of the fun and personal parts of …

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April 27, 2015

Weekend Recap: Finding my Groove

Halfway Up Bear Peak with Adam

Happy Monday! This was a great weekend, and I felt like I really started finding my groove with balancing all the many things going on in my life. I headed to San Francisco for work on Thursday, and flew back on Friday night. However, instead of arriving solo at the airport and then driving home for a quiet night by myself… Adam and I timed our flights so we’d both land in Denver at about the same time and get to head home together! I’ve never had anyone meet me at the airport when I got home from a trip, …

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