
December 12, 2007

Biggest Loser: "Five Remaining Players Compete For Spot on Finale"

I decided I’m going to post Biggest Loser updates every Wednesday. I know the season ends next week, but a new one starts in January so I can just resume then. If you don’t watch Biggest Loser, you MUST start in January. My gym has TVs on the ellipticals, so I usually head down there to watch for a while, and then when I get tired, I go back up to my room and lift weights while I watch. It’s pretty inspiring: I find that I do a lot more (distance, speed, reps, time exercised) on my Biggest Loser nights …

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December 12, 2007

Healthy Meal: Scarlet Snapper with Field Peas and Snaps

This recipe was probably the easiest I’ve made. Unfortunately, not that tasty. However, I think I attribute that to personal taste rather than the actual recipe. Basically, you chop up some peppers and onions, toss them in a baking dish, lay a piece of snapper on top, splash some Worcestershire sauce on top, and then put a bit of butter on (I used a quick spray of Pam instead). Pop it in the oven for 20 mins, put a bit of parmesan on (you’re supposed to use real cheese, not the powdered kind, but I didn’t have it so I …

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December 11, 2007

Holiday Diet Tips – Destroyed

So my diet is totally awesome. I cook veggies, whole grains, low-fat meats, fish… all in just a bit of olive oil or low-sodium chicken broth, or grilled dry. I don’t generally cook processed pre-packaged foods, I don’t fry stuff, I don’t sit on my couch and plow through bags of potato chips or gallons of ice cream. I basically just cook healthy stuff. So – why am I not in ridiculous shape? Oh. Going out to dinner. Going out to lunch. The random delicious treats that sit around the office. Holiday parties. Birthday parties. Bachelorette parties. And of course, …

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December 11, 2007

Healthy Meal: North Indian Chicken Curry and Chana Dal

So… I like to cook. A lot. A year and a half ago, I hadn’t cooked more than pasta with jarred sauce. Then I took a summer internship in Florida – where I didn’t know a single person in the entire state. To keep myself busy, I watched Food Network and taught myself to cook. (That was also when I started running for the first time since my thirteen minute mile embarrassments twice a year in primary school… it was really a summer of change.) Now, I don’t claim to be a gourmet, but I can follow a recipe really …

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December 10, 2007

Maybe blogging about fitness will make me more fit…

I’ve been meaning to start a blog for a while. I even spent an entire ten minutes coming up with a list of possible names (something boozy and cute, but still healthy. Kind of like a strawberry-peach-orange-99 bananas-protein shake). Unfortunately, I didn’t really come up with anything, so I kind of gave up on it and just used 3FC and other people’s comment feeds as my fora for fitness discussion. Then on Sunday, I participated in 8 on the 8th. (Okay, so I did it on the 9th). I did pretty well, but was also pretty embarrassed when I turned …

Maybe blogging about fitness will make me more fit… Read More »

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