
January 14, 2008

What’s In Your Crisper?

Kim posted about the produce in her rotation, which I thought was a neat idea. I think any time you stop and take a closer look at what you’re doing, you’re bound to find a few problem areas to work on, and of course, some good things to keep doing. (Then again, I’m a consultant, so of course I think intense analysis will solve anything). I suppose you can kind of tell what kind of produce I eat based on the recipes I post, but I’ll show you my list anyway. Heavy rotation items: Apples: I normally eat either an …

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January 14, 2008

Healthy Meal: Middle Eastern Chicken Pot and Butter-Nut Couscous

Today I was bored and channel surfing, and I saw that Rachael Ray’s 30 Minute Meals was on Food Network. I have a sentimental fondness for Rachael Ray, because watching her was how I first learned to cook. In fact, a lot of the recipes on this site come from her recipes, though I rarely take the time to watch the episodes. It was fun to once again watch her on TV and then make the meal later that night. Recipe notes:I cut the olive oil in half and used lean chicken breast instead of thighs, both to reduce the …

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January 13, 2008

Some R-Rated Relaxation Tales

Last year, in college, I took a course on spa management. It sounds all silly and easy, but it was actually a pretty intense class. We learned about the different treatments you can have, design requirements, marketing, etc. The final project was to do a consulting project for an actual spa! My group did market research for Banyan Tree, who wanted to open a new spa in Marrakech, Morocco. It was really interesting, and I learned a lot. Since then, I’ve stayed interested in spas, so I try to visit on occasion. Unfortunately, they are expensive! During Spa Week, I …

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January 12, 2008

Healthy Meal: Wild Mushroom and Eggplant Ravioli with Snapper Acqua Pazza

Ugh, I just made the worst dinner ever. Honestly, part of it was absolutely inedible… yet I ate it anyway because of my stupid hangup about not wasting food. I wasn’t pressured when I was little or anything, but for some reason I feel incredibly guilty letting food go to waste. Clearly not the best philosophy for my diet, but I can’t seem to shake it, so I just try to make sure I only make/serve small portions so it’s okay to finish. Anyway, I made this combination of wild mushroom ravioli with eggplant, and red snapper acqua pazza. The …

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January 12, 2008

Healthy Meal: Chicken-Beet Salad Sandwiches with Onions and Goat Cheese

I picked up some beets at the farmer’s market at Lincoln Center, and then went searching for a way to use them other than just plain as a side dish. What I came up with is an adaptation of a recipe I found over at Food Network under a ridiculously cheesy name. I’ve modified it quite a bit, so I’m going to post my own full version of the recipe. Recipe:Take a beet (~85g), peel it, dice it, and boil it for 10-15 mins. Don’t let it get mushy – you want it to be slightly al dente so your …

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