
March 11, 2008

Trading the river run for an indoor cycle

This morning I managed to drag myself out of my Heavenly Bed at 5:45 AM, intending to get a nice long run in before getting ready and going off to work. Andy had kindly provided me with a great running map of the Charles River, which was good because I still haven’t gotten my act together to stop by the concierge desk and pick up the running maps that are supposed to be available. Unfortunately, when I pulled back the heavy curtains to see what the weather was like, I saw: darkness. Foiled by daylight savings. Being the hardcore runner …

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March 10, 2008

Ah, the Monday morning pat-down…

I get special security screening 90% of the time I travel, because I’m quite a suspicious character. I always buy my tickets at the airport, usually with less than an hour until the flight (sometimes, less than 30 minutes). I always buy one way tickets, never round-trip. Because who knows when the client will let me go home? I always glide through security with the self-assured air of someone who knows the system very well. Maybe too well. And clearly, I just look like a terrorist. Is it sad that when the security guard feels me up, that’s the most …

Ah, the Monday morning pat-down… Read More »

March 9, 2008

Healthy Meal: Chipotle Cashew Chicken with Brown Rice and Spinach Salad

Last night, my roommate came home right when I was finishing up dinner, so I ended up talking to her instead of posting my recipe. that means today, you get two recipes! (And maybe a few more as well, since I have a couple recipes that I cooked and took pictures of but neglected to post). This recipe springs from me wanting to use up some fridge leftovers. I had chicken (from another recipe, to be posted soon), red peppers (from the same), hazelnuts (from like… 3 months ago), and chipotles in adobo (from whenever I make turkey chili). I …

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March 9, 2008

Healthy Meal: Oven "Fried" Pork Chop and Honey Roasted Sweet Potatoes

It’s rare for me to not think about food for most of the day. I usually am dreaming about what I’m going to have for dinner. However, at 6 PM today, I had forgotten to think about dinner at all, and was browsing Food Network trying to think what I was in the mood for. I was kind of in the mood for fried chicken, but I knew I only had a HUGE breast in the freezer that was really two servings. I know you can’t unfreeze and then refreeze meats, and since I’m traveling till Thursday, the other half …

Healthy Meal: Oven "Fried" Pork Chop and Honey Roasted Sweet Potatoes Read More »

March 9, 2008

Race Report: 15K Colon Cancer Challenge

So after all that blogging about how I was going to run 18 miles today and maybe I would run the course twice… I felt like crap and it took all my energy not to give up in the first mile. Now, part of that may be because of my intense workouts yesterday. After seeing on Friday how much weight I had gained in the last two weeks, I decided this weekend was going to be a non-drinking exercise-a-thon, Biggest Loser style. On Biggest Loser, the contestants work out for 4-6 hours a day… craziness. I knew it would be …

Race Report: 15K Colon Cancer Challenge Read More »

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