
March 15, 2008

Drunk decisions

Is it a bad idea to come home wasted and, in that state, commit to doing a race that starts in five hours? I guess we’ll find out in the morning.

March 14, 2008

Healthy Meal: "Cream" of Spinach Soup

One of the nice things about being on a travel project is that I don’t need to go into the office on Fridays. No one else on my team is based in New York, so we’re all conversing via IM, e-mail, and phone anyway. Plus, we always have tons of “extracurricular” office activities on Fridays (training, philanthropy, recruiting, eminence, etc), so we typically put in long hours at the client from Monday through Thursday, then a few hours on Friday, and then a few hours on Saturday and Sunday to make up for it. I still usually go into the …

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March 14, 2008

Healthy Meal: Grilled Swordfish and Spaghetti with Citrus Pesto

Tonight I wanted to eat really lightly, because I had pigged out a bit last night at a team dinner. I also knew I had some swordfish in the freezer, so I pulled out this recipe that I had saved a while ago. Even if you make it according to the directions, it’s pretty healthy, but I was able to make it even better. I paired it with some frozen mixed beans for a little extra veggie fix. Recipe notes: swordfishNo salt, no oil – just a little pepper and toss it on the Foreman. Swordfish cooks really quickly, so …

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March 13, 2008

Where have all the serious screeners gone?

I am so angry right now. I’m sitting in the airport right now, having missed my flight by 2 minutes. There is nothing worse than missing a flight by that small of a margin… except maybe missing it by that small of a margin because the jerky perv in security delayed me because he wanted to flirt with me longer. I got to the airport at 4:15, with the flight at 4:30. That was just exactly enough time to buy a ticket, get through security, and get to the gate before it closed. Bought my ticket, saw the SSSSS note …

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March 12, 2008

Running in the dark and talking to strangers

Basically, tonight I did several things that are very big not-supposed-tos. I ran in the dark in a city I didn’t know (and got lost in the process), without my cell phone in case of emergency, and then gave my phone number to a strange man who stopped me to flirt. It’s a good thing my mom doesn’t read my blog, or she would kill me! Here’s how it all went down… I got out of work really early tonight, and it was actually light out! I was amazed. It took absolutely forever for my cab to get me back …

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